Japanese garden @San Mateo Central Park, California



Really nice pics you have shared, thanks. Keep going. Best.


Thank you!

صور جميلة جدا 10/10هل تقيمين في يابان

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@Rutvi Beautiful pictures. Why is the water so GREEN in colour?

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@Indira_IllathuVala , Green has long been a basic element and the most important color of Japanese gardens. Planktonic algae can cause the pond to appear blue/green or green. If dye is added, the pond will remain blue/green or green.

Wow! Beautiful garden of you @Rutvi

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Hello @Rutvi ,

Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us, I fee relaxed while looking at them. Do you go there often?

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@BorrisS Thank you! Yes, we visit here often.

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Simple but enchanting place @Rutvi - thanks for sharing

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That was beautiful photos @Rutvi


@giribpai , thank you!

@Saravanakanth , thank you!

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