Jamia Masjid Ahl Hadit

jamia Masjid Ahl-Hadith Bhaghpur Gorah pallandri

it is very beautiful mosque in pallandri.

جامعہ مسجد اہلحدیث بھاگپور گوراہ

یہ ایک خوبصورت مسجد ہے۔


a magnificent structure.

Hello @CHABDULHASEEB and welcome to Connect. You may not be aware but there is a Photography topic here on Connect which is dedicated to great photos like yours. You should edit your post and change it from the Achievements topic to Photography as it fits better there and this is where you are likely to get a wider response to your photos. You can read more about Connect topics here: How to choose a topic for your Connect post. I would also recommend that you tell us more about the Jamia Masjid Ahl Hadit which will be of interest to many. Finally, as you are new to the Connect community, there are some great articles that you should read to help you quickly get your feet on the ground here that will also make your experience here even better. I recommend that you check out:

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