Jak usunąć wszystkie dane z Local Guide dodane przez siebie?

Niestety, zawiodłem się na Google i w mojej opini stosują politykę rasizmu i wykorzystują ludzi jak biali czarnych w czasach niewolnictwa. Nie będe za darmo dla Google pracował bo to nie jest firma non-profit. Uczestnictwo w Local Guides to praca charytatywna dla prywytnej firmy która czerpie z tego finansowe zyski i nie dzieli się niczym zgarnia 100% i tworzy dzięki nam jeszcze produkty za które każe sobie płacić. Rasizm, Złodziejstwo i Niewolnictwo. Od dzis z tymi trzema określeniami będe kojarzył Google.

Cóż jestem frajer dałem sie Wam wykorzystać. Smutne ale to dobra lekcja i nauczka dla Mnie więc wyciągne coś pozytywnego z niej.

Nie polecam Google w żadnym aspekcie i zaczynam szukać alternatywy dla waszych usług.


Hi @Adrianek

Sorry about what you are writing, BTW staying or going is of course your own choice.

Regarding your question:

Photos and reviews need to be deleted manually, one by one, from your profile.

Same for Q&A.

Edits and place added cannot be removed.

Answer can be deleted in one shot, by changing your settings of My Activity from your Google Maps App. Just tap on your avatar, then scroll down the menu to "your data in Maps.

You can download a copy of your photos using Google Take Out , to make sure you have it.

Then you can close your Local Guides account, following this link: https://maps.google.com/localguides/home/settings

Before to close your Gmail account, make sure to have a copy of all the emails you may need to save.

Closing your Google (Gmail) account will disconnect you from all the Google services, and you can be revert your choice only for a short time, with no guarantees to restore all the data (Recover a recently deleted Google Account ) so make sure to have a backup of all your documents and files stored in Google Photos and Google Drive, before to do that

Hope this is completely responding to your questions.

If not, feel free to ask for more details


I am not a slave. I devoted a lot of time and energy and in return I have nothing but Google used this and earn. I don’t really like this way of treating people.

This is of course your opinion, @Adrianek and, as I said, you are free to close every relation with Google, following the procedures already explained.

I personally find extremely useful what we receive for free (space for our documents, unlimited space for photos at high quality, email, documents editor, and more, and of course a navigation system always updated much useful than the paid one a was using before). So I am personally happy to contribute in exchange but, again, this is just the personal reason why I want to contribute.

You are not obligated to agree. Closing your account, as I showed you, is extremely simple


Will all added information also be deleted? Maybe you like being a slave working for free. Since you work for free for a wealthy company and you still give them your money and personal data for free on which Google earns. Maybe you can also share with me? I haven’t received anything from Google for 3 years. Give you the account number?


I gave you already all the information on my first replay, so please read it.

BTW, what is not acceptable in this community is to insult other persons, like you are doing with me.

If you want to live the program you have already received all the information for doing this. From my side this conversation is closed now.

Have a nice evening


Hello @Adrianek and thank you for reaching out to us.

We are sorry to hear that you would like to delete your Local Guide account. Please take a look at @ErmesT 's first comment where you will find all of the information you need.

Please bear in mind that I am going to move your post to How-tos section - this is the board where Local Guides share their questions, tips,etc.

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