Jabalieh Dom

Jabalieh Dom is located east of Kerman city and the exact date and reason for its construction are unknown, the Jabaliyeh dome is an octagonal tower and is free to visit.
The whole is made of stone and plaster.

Best Regards


@Rezgar is there any historical significance of this dome?

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Hi dear @Shafak
Either the fireplace or the grave of an important person.


Hello @Rezgar ,

Thanks for sharing this place. Is it easily reachable? Is there any public transport that can take you straight to it or one has to go on foot?

Despite the unknown reason why it is built, the building is beautiful.


very good boy i love your picture

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Hi dear @MoniDi
Either the fireplace or the grave of an important person.
Jebelieh dom is easily reachable.

Best Regards

Hi dear @Duong3
A warm welcome to Local Guides Connect Community
I ask you to use the “AT” Sign mark ( @ ) before the profile’s name if they want to reply to a post. for example @Rezgar
In many posts, I see something that the audience is unclear, thank you.

Best Regards