Greetings to the entire Local Guide Community!
My name is Arnold Sachith I stay in Bangalore, India. Being a local guide has been a blessing to me in my life. Unknowingly you get an oppurtunity to help the society which I have always been looking for. Recently I moved to Bangalore and I was searching for a church where worship is carried out in a local language called ‘Kannada’, it was actually through reviews put up by one of the local guide I could find a church so I just wanted to say it’s not just about restaurants, monuments or sight seeing places. Google’s local guide program has been helping people grow spiritually too. After this incident I took up the responsibility to share about this church in Google maps with enough information because I knew there are so many youths like me looking out for churches nearby, a tiny attempt to share the useful information will help them connect to God.
A huge thanks to everyone at google and I am excited for Connect live 2020 I see it as a huge oppurtunity to connect, learn from this huge community and in return provide feedback to google which could help them make this world a better place to live in .