Italia il mio paese

Rocca Imperiale estate 2020 in provincia di Cosenza un paradiso del tardo 1200, tanta storia del mio Paese concentrata a ridosso dello Jonio . Cucina tipica calabrese con spezie e sapori genuini di alta qualità. Molto vicini a Matera altra meta molto bella da raggiungere e veramente interessante da proporre a tutti.


Thank you for sharing a panoramic view of your place.

Can you tell me about some interesting tourist places in this town?

Congratulations on posting your first article @CarLeRoi and a warm welcome to the wonderful world of LG Connect :pray:
Additionally, I would also suggest changing the setting to display the picture in a larger size and also rotate it to the portrait mode - that would look awesome.

If you haven’t already, take some time to introduce yourself to the local guides community by commenting on this article.

Hello @CarLeRoi ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo with us, the area looks amazing! Do you live there?

Since this is your first post, please take some time to read the following article which will help you in the Community: How to choose a topic for your Connect post.

You can always introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides via our monthly topic Introduce Yourself - December 2020.

I am going to move your post to the photography section on Connect, the place where Local Guides share photos of things they like.