It was a busy day ...

It was a very beautiful day to ride your own way with your fav person in your life… we start from Rangamati hill tracts and we travel sindukchari Road, Ramghor tea state, Selfie Road (Heyako)…


Hi @Junan !

Welcome to Connect!

Thanks for sharing your trip with us! It would be great if you add some photos in your post. Local Guides community likes a lot to see pictures of places they don’t know. Feel free to edit your post and to add some photos to it if you want.

I also invite you to introduce yourself and tell us something about you as a Local Guide in the Introduce yourself monthly post if you haven’t done it yet.

If you want to know more about connect you can read a post I wrote when I started here that has a lot of links to great posts that I’m sure will be very useful for you. You can find the link at the bottom of this message.

Best regards


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Thank you for your information… and i will introduce myself shortly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: