Istanbul from Air - Great view


Hi @Mohamedsalah25

Thank you for sharing your photos, however, sharing more than 10 photos in one post is not ideal as many Local Guides have to scroll down a lot.

Local Guides that participate on Connect are currently limited to 1000 photos uploads, so be mindful of how many you are uploading. For tips on uploading images on Connect to stay within the limit, check out this helpful post. If you’ve already reached your 1000 upload limit, read this post on how to manage your photos.

The best posts shared here contain less than 10 photos in a post, with some explanation to them. Local Guides would like to know where your photos are taken, what camera have you used and so on. This makes your posts more engaging and interesting for others.

Hope this is helpful, if you have any questions, let me know. Thank you.


thank you for your advise

i have some questions

how i know how many posts i have been posted & how many photos ?
also , i’m world traveler , i been in 63 countries before & 110 cities around world and i’m photographer

which means i have around 1 M photos and i want share with local guides

could you help me please



Thank you for your questions.

Connect is a blog and forum created for the Local Guides community of Google Maps users who help others make the best decisions about where to go and what to do. It’s a space where you can communicate with fellow Local Guides, trade tips and ideas, and receive information from Googlers. This is why it’s ideal to have less than 10 photos in a post.

In case you wish to show more, you can always create an album in Google Photos, and you can share the link here for other Local Guides to see.

Hope this is helpful. Have a great day!