When I am learning about how to use Insert Link on connect.
After that,
I shared many important links to fellow local guides for solving their queries and I add many links in my many posts.
For example,
Your guide to connect.
Introduce yourself.
But, it’s time taking procedure.
As we know connect is bit slow,
And when I want to publish large articles, I need to visit every important post that is related to my content of the post. And I always add those links, so local guides are getting more help threw my posts.
But slow speed of connect+visiting many articles+
The operation::
Insert the link.
Copy link text [Text to display]
Copy link address. [Url]
It’s also takes a time.
Is there any thing that we directly catch link with it’s title and publishing easily.
Hence, this facility available on only connect, so I am unable to make in my phone’s notes or other Writting apps.
This is the issue I face from many times, because using Android it’s more difficult. Just wondering about is that any shortcut?
[Note: the post is reedited, and instead of hyperlink, Insert link word showing now. ]
You use macros extensively. Store the links in Macros. Since a macro is nothing but a place holder of text, you can store many links in one, dump that in your post and then remove the unwanted ones. So fifty macros can store even five hundred links.
BTW. I have stored approx fifteen links in different macros and use those frequently.
Don’t get frightened by the name. It’s not a VB or Excel macro.
Open the macro page in settings. There, you will notice two boxes for each macro, stacked vertically. In your case, all will be empty now.
The first one is for the title and in the second we need adding the desired text. Add a name in first and then fill anything in the second. That can be a link address also. Then hit the save button at the bottom and you are ready to use that.
While composing a reply, click on the macro button. That will display the titles of each stored macro. Select the desired one and then all the text in the second box will get dumped at the cursor location.
You can add anything in the second box. Repeat the title as heading in the second box also and add the link in the next paragraph. That will serve your purpose.
The post is giving a detailed procedure about how to create a macro.
BTW, in your case the difficult seems to be not to create the link (it takes a few second, are you running for productivity?) but to find the reference post.
This can be solved easily just bookmarking the important reference post. Regarding publishing a large article, I do not see how the use of macros can help you. I really hope to read, soon or later, a real article written by you, instead of another post about Connect itself. We are Local Guides, isn’t it?
For me writing an article, prepare the links and the photos, means days of preparation, so I do not see how creating a link can be an issue in this.
The purpose of a macro is mostly related to replies, where you may respond to Frequently Asked questions
एखादी लिंक सामील करण्यासाठी तुम्हाला नक्की काय अडचण येत होती ते कळू शकेल?
श्री किशोर यांची अडचण वेगळ्या प्रकारची होती. काही लिंक्स चा संदर्भ आपल्याला पुनःपुन्हा द्यावा लागतो.
अर्थात श्री किशोर नी त्या बुकमार्क ही करून ठेवल्या आहेत. पण सध्या कनेक्ट ची पाने उलटायला खूपच जास्त वेळ लागतो आहे.
त्या मुळे, त्या बुकमार्क्स पर्यंत पोहोचणे, म्हणजे सहनशीलतेची एक परीक्षा होते. त्यावर मी हा अजून एक सोपा उपाय सुचवला.
पण, जर प्रत्येक वेळेस वेगळ्या हायपर लिंक चा संदर्भ द्यायचा असेल, तर मॅक्रोज फारसे उपयोगी पडत नाहीत.