Is there going to be Connect Live 2022 ?

With no connect live for 2021

Is there going to be Connect Live 2022?
guys who have any information about connect live ??


Still no information about that, @Amine_maddouri

Just keep your eye on announcement board


I suspect this would depend on a lot of factors @Amine_maddouri currently

  • International air travel is suspended for most countries except for particular reasons
  • The world would need to achieve a significant vaccination level to be able to open up again
  • Countries would need to be in a position to drop quarantine requirements - as an example, if I was to leave Australia on return I would have to go into 14 days of mandatory quarantine locked into a room

I have to admit that I would be very surprised if the world was ready for 2022 but it would be really lovely if we can put the virus behind us and travel again.



Yeah is very sad :disappointed:


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Hi @Amine_maddouri ,

As you might know, we prioritized the health and safety of our community when we decided not to host a Connect Live 2021. That will be always a priority for us.

At the moment we don’t have news to communicate about the next Connect Live, what’s sure is that the Local Guides on Connect will be the first ones to know when we’ll be ready with further information. You can follow the Announcements section to keep yourself informed.

I am now marking my comment as a solution so it can be beneficial for other members with the same question. You can read more about the topic in the following post: How do I mark comments as solutions?


Mam what is the eligibility criteria for getting a chance to participate in Google maps Local Guide summit 2022.

Can you please provide me the roadmap.

Guidelines and norms. I am from India.

A Proud Google Local Guide :earth_asia: :earth_africa:


@Giu_DiB , @DeniGu @KRShajahan @Cecilita


Welcome to Connect and thanks for reaching out to us! At the moment we don’t have news to communicate about the next Connect Live, what’s sure is that the Local Guides on Connect will be the first ones to know when we’ll be ready with further information. You can follow the Announcements section to keep yourself informed.

You can read more in the following post’s solution, keep in mind that I moved your comment to there, to keep the forum more organized: Is there going to be Connect Live 2022?

Since you joined recently, if you want to know more about the community and its topics, you can read Your guide to Connect, where you’ll find helpful information.

When it is going to be?

Hi @claretcoromoto ,

At the moment we don’t have news to communicate about the next Connect Live, what’s sure is that the Local Guides on Connect will be the first ones to know when we’ll be ready with further information. You can follow the Announcements section to keep yourself informed.

Since this is your first post, you can read Your guide to Connect to find helpful information about the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, have a nice day

They could do the event in a virtual space like they have been doing

, hope to see a 2022 Live connect.

1 Like

Hi @Guiyoyou ,

Do you know that you can tag a member when you post on Connect? This way you send a notification and the Local Guide knows that you are talking to them. To do so, you just need to add the symbol @ before their name, like I did with you.

You can read Your guide to Connect, in order to know more about the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi any update on Connect Live 2022 and can you guide me on how to apply for participation


Reading this post now…

Seems like time is traveling at a faster speed with COVID going on. Looks like your reply was in August of last year but August feels so far away- can’t even remember what I did in August, or they call it COVID brain. :laughing:

So, I’m guessing since no updates or announcements yet, Connect Live will be on hold? :blush:

I have been looking into this as i would LOVE for Connect Live 2022 to happen. Fingers crossed!


Also, I would like to know is this year Google organise a Connect Live 2022.


Thanks for the feedback

Any news ? We are in june 2022

Maybe It Will Happen But There Is No New Announcement …

Any updates on connect live 2022?