Is there any problem with google maps "by you" part?

Hey guys, is there any problem with google maps video? Usually if we post photo and video about the place, that will be shown in “by you” folder in google maps, we can see both our contribution such as photoes and videos.

I still can see that in my update about one month ago. But i just realized yesterday, since my post 3 weeks ago (about end of the year until now), our contribution somehow not appear in “by you” anymore especially the videos.

In the left pic, we can see in my post there is some videos, but in the right side only photoes shown… And this is happen to all post lately. Usually all photoes and videos, we can see in “by you”. And in some of post even the photoes not appear.

In the left side we cannot see the “by you” in sari timbul, but in my list of photo contribution, i can see that i already post the pictures,

Usually we can see “by you” folder beside the street view folder.

I really like this feature (“by you”), because we not only contributing for others but also can remind our trip and save our moment here and will easily to look. And also help us to remind, the place we already post the photoes/ videos or even review by this part.

Maybe you have a answer & can help @AdamGT @ErmesT


Hai @Rosa .

I check my handphone, I still can see photos and videos in “By You” folder.

Hope Connect Moderator or Google Moderator can help you., since you are already tag them.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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Hi @Rosa

I too have noticed that the “By you” tab is sometimes incorrectly missing. And I think this bug should be fixed.

Why did you circle the times in your first 2 screenshots?

To escalate this I think we need the following.

Which platform are you using?

If you test on another platform, does the issue persist?

Please specify the App version and operating system on your mobile device.

Would you be able to add the Maps Links to both the places and the individual photos in question (the latter should be done on a desktop computer)?

We only need 2 place links and 2 deep links to photos not showing up as expected under the “By you” tab.



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ah, there is bug, that’s why i can’t see my “by you” tab. I circle that to show, that the videos usually still can see in “by you” tab, video countain number (periode of the video), i circle to show the difference than a photo. I use my android phone. Version 11.112.0102. Same problem with another device, i think @MortenCopenhagen .

Thx u @BudiFXW . Hope the “by you” go normal again in my phone

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