Is there any limit per day to give likes on comments or Posts because I am trying to give like for comments but I am not succeeding I have tried from different sources as well as different browsers but all in vain I am facing this problem for many days and after some time it recovers automatically and then every thing fine
Dear @Muhammad_Usman ,
Good question, kudos for that
I am not aware of any exact maximum figure, but as with everything, abuse is being frowned upon and when you start to like in a way that you could not possibly have read the content of the posts and comments that you have liked, then you may get yourself into trouble.
We are expected to be good citizens in our community and Google always has the right to suspend a person when it feels fit to do so. Spoiling Local Guides Connect by abusive behavior (playing the system in an undesirable way) would count as one in my book (my opinion).
Also, from a different perspective, when you give kudos to everything you can get your hands on, what is the value of the kudos that you hand out? It is your currency to give as a reader and you would be devaluing your own currency
@JeroenM Yes I agree with you its devalue of our own currency but its not the case I just like your post of interview of @Devi Dimitra I am also a big fan of Her this like is working but likes in my post comments are not working how is it possible that I am answering some body after reading his comment and give like without reading in my own post thanks for your time
@ermest Please help me If i want to like any post there is no problem but if I want to like any comment I cannot at the same time if I want to edit my comment comment editing option is not showing Thanks and regards
Hi @Muhammad_Usman , by any chance are you trying to give likes in comments in the Idea Exchange Section? In this area, it is not possible to like comments.
@JeroenM it’s working now on my all gadgets thanks for your time
No not at all @AlexandreCampbell but it’s working now on my all gadgets thanks for your time and try to help
Sorry for responding so late and, if I understand correctly, it seems that your issue is not longer present.
Btw, as we started a conversation about likes, let’s try to better understand your issue.
I am first of all surprised about the question, as you mentioned a limit.
Which number do you have on mind, when you think of a limit?
As far as I know there was a limit on the past, but honestly I never tested it, and I suppose the limit still valid, or at least I hope. The limit was indicated by a red banner on the post, but I don’t remember exactly the number.
So I believe this is not your case. BTW, I perfectly understand what @JeroenM means. There are a lot of “badges searchers” who try to reach on a few days the top of the “given likes” . I have been sometimes a “victim” of this people, who gives Likes in the previews, without opening one of my post, and I reported many of them.
Back to your issue, I understand it was present on replies only.
Have you tested both on mobile and desktop?
Have you tried to give the like on the preview, without opening the post?
Did you tried to clear the cache?
Was the issue self solved, or you did something for solving it?
@ErmesT thanks to contact, my issue was Now I come to tour questions one by one
Q-1 , I understand it was present on replies only.
A- No not at all I couldn’t like on reviews and also the edit option for means 3 blue Dots were also disappeared at the same time on posts I can like easily without any problem
Q-2 Have you tested both on mobile and desktop?
A-Yes I tested different Gadgets and different Browsers but the result was same
Q-3 Have you tried to give the like on the preview, without opening the post?
A-Yes some posts when I like the pictures only but these are very few actually I am not used to gave likes easily
Q-4 Did you tried to clear the cache?
A-Yes I tried but all in vain
Q-5 Was the issue self solved, or you did something for solving it?
A-Yes self solved at the same time on my all gadjets
Remember its not first time I have faced this issue 3 to 4times minimum before but I didn’t care But today I took it little bit serious OK thanks I will be more careful in future and will contact you again if I face this issue again.
Yes @Muhammad_Usman
Feel free to contact a Moderator on this post, adding a screenshot of the issue, of possible.
Thank you so much for your feedback
Hi @ErmesT Helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Facing same problem again cannot like any comment on any post and also cannot edit my comment
But like any post no problem this problem is on my all Gadgets
Thank for the tag, @Muhammad_Usman
I am tagging @MashaPS for a check.
If I understand clearly, the issue is related to the upload of the 3 dots menu, only on your post / replies.
It happens both on mobile and desktop.
This to me appear to be a problem of cache, but it seems you already did all the procedure.
One more test;
- Open an “anonymous” session and check your post
- Logout from Connect
- Close Connect and clear the cache again
- Login again
Thanks for sending over this screenshot and for explaining your issue. We’ll have a look at it and take any necessary actions. Once we have further information, we’ll let you know.
Thanks a lot @KatyaL to paying attention on my issue
Hi @Muhammad_Usman ,
As the screenshot you’re sending is showing your own comment, please be aware that you’re not supposed to give kudos to your own comments. In case you’re not able to give kudos to other’s people comments, please make sure to send another screenshot to show this to us, so we can further check. Thanks so much.
No No @KatyaL I don’t want to give myself Kudos I am saying edit option for my comment and option for giving Kudos on others comments is not working three blue dots on my comments are not showing
Hi @Muhammad_Usman ,
Thanks for your confirmation. Would you mind sending us examples as screenshots?
@KatyaL Please check the screen shot
ok @Muhammad_Usman , if you give more than 500 likes per hour, you will receive a red alert message that you give flood, after the hour is over you will be able to give many lkes again
Eventually you can accept my humble answer as a solution to your question, if you manage to make a simple calculation and then put it into practice 500x12
Hi @To_paul I think you are authority on this matter because no short cut of experience and you are experience enough on likes so I accept your answer as a solution