Is Sight the Only Sense for Evaluating Surroundings🧑🏻‍🦯‍➡️

Even though I’m visually impaired, I use all my other senses to evaluate everything around me. What about you? Do you agree with me that it’s not just sight alone that evaluates things, but all our senses? I mean, most people remember beautiful moments with their eyes closed anyway.


A warm welcome to Connect, @Waleed-basheer , and thank you for this post.
I fully agree with you, even if frequently we forget that, to be really helpful, we should remember to highlight not only the “accessibility” related to persons with limited mobility, but also sounds (or noise) of a place.
We have a friend that I am tagging here, @KattyGeltmeyer .
I will never forget the beautiful reviews she writes about the places she visits. Reviews where I can really close my eyes to be immersed in the atmosphere of the places


Hi @ErmesT: not only the sounds but also the smell of a place can be important. All sences are giving info, but most of the time seeing people don’t register this info actively. For people with a disability such info is valuable. Deaf people e.g. will be focusing on visual things but also on vibrations. Totally blind people like me will use all info available: sounds, smells, … tactile info (which material is covering the floor, how does it feel under my shoes, … etc.) But all this info can’t be captured in a map. Only a review can give a vague impression.


There is a gift shop in the city here and although it’s filled with amazing products, the thing I noticed the most was how great the shop smelled. The first line of my review mentions this because It was so noticeable and memorable.

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Thanks for the warm welcome! You’re absolutely right experiencing places involves much more than just sight

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Indeed you’re right and I rely on these senses in the process of evaluating things such as

1 Sense of smell which gives an impression of the nature of a place like the smell of food perfumes or fresh air

2 Sense of hearing which reveals the atmosphere of a place through sounds such as voices animals or even music helping to determine if the place is calm or crowded

3 Sense of touch to evaluate the texture of surfaces and furniture like feeling the walls couches or flooring which helps identify the materials used in the place

4 Sense of taste when food or drinks are available that convey the experience of the place through their flavors like local dishes or signature drinks that characterize the place

5 Temperature where one can feel changes in the heat of the place whether it’s cold or warm reflecting the overall environment

6 Air movement which helps in sensing the openness or closeness of spaces like the fresh air in open areas or dry air in closed spaces