Today, I want to share with you my most favorite kind of Okro soup (or Okra or Ochro or Ladies’ fingers).
There are different kinds of Okro soup;
White okro eaten with stew. This is mostly eaten by the Yorubas in Nigeria and neighboring West African countries
mixed okro (a.k.a. Ila alasepo) cooked with pepper and locust beans. This is mostly eaten by the Yorubas of Ekiti Origin and other states around them
Draw soup - a combination of okro, Ogbono and ugwu (pumpkin) leaves. This is mostly eaten by the Igbos of South-Eastern Nigeria
Seafood Okro. This is mostly eaten by those from the South-South; the riverine areas of Nigeria.
I eat every kind of Okro soup, however my most favorite is the Seafood Okro. It is an Okro soup recipe from the riverine areas of South-Eastern Nigeria (a.k.a. South-South) but has become a staple in most high-end Nigerian restaurants and is being sold at exorbitant prices because; well, it is cooked using seafood; Shrimps, Prawns, Fish of choice, Crab, etc…
Thanks for tagging me @Ewaade_3A The Jareesh soup which is made of crushed wheat and Arabian spices is the one which I like the most and is usually served with the Madhbi chicken meal. It has a rich, deep, spicy flavor and a wonderful aroma. The color of this soup varies from pale yellow to dark orange depending on the type of wheat used as well as the addition of other spices.
@Ewaade_3A sorry that I was busy but I am not far from connect, about soup I like the lintel soup in the Egyptian way, where we cook lentils in water, with a few carrots, peeled tomatoes and a small onion. Yellow lentils are always used, and after cooking is complete, we beat everyone in a blender, and then we use chopped fresh garlic and a little dry coriander with a little oil and cook it for a minute Until it takes on a yellow color, and then it is added to the bowl of lentils, and with happiness and healing, we always drink it in the winter
Oh wie wundervoll dein Beitrag ist!!! Früher habe ich immer gesagt ich mag keine Suppen, heute sehe ich das GANZ anders.
Nicht nur das, ich habe keine Lieblingssuppe… ich habe gleich mehrere! Gerne werde ich diese mit dir und allen teilen. Bitte verzeih, dass ich dies nicht sofort machen kann, ich bin gerade sehr eingespannt (und habe auch keine Fotos von den Suppen) Aber ich vergesse dich nicht!
Sobald die Zeit es erlaubt teile ich die Suppen und sobald ich sie wieder gekocht habe füge ich auch Fotos hinzu!!
Ich bin begeistert von deinem Bericht und freue mich schon sehr auf all die Suppen aus aller Welt!
(neulich kochte ich eine Brasilianische Kürbissuppe mit Garnelen, zumindest hat der Beitrag im Fernsehen sie so genannt und sagte, es sei eine ganz besondere Festtagssuppe! Gerne würde ich diese unter den Beiträgen von Brasilien finden und mit meinem Rezept vergleichen
@Ewaade_3A honestly Okro soup is delicious and nutritious. Unfortunately, I do not have a pix to share. I love it fresh and it is one of my favourite soups with snails or fish.
Hello @Ewaade_3A I can see both images in your post’s comment section. I’m not sure why it’s not showing up for you. I followed the same steps outlined in @TravellerG’s post.