Now we see a good change on Google Maps. This is what we really need it. Specially for us that are contributing since Map Maker, it is important part of contributing and one important thing was missed without it: Direct Road Editing
I just noticed this change, “Roads added” is now in contribution window. But for mine, although I’ve added many roads after closure of Map Maker (thousands in Map Maker time), it shows zero!
Because for new contributions sections, system even counts old contributions, So I hope this current 0 contributions for road adding, be a sign that Google will prepare again a direct way to add roads.
Yes dear @ErmesT , under “Send feedback” we still do not see any new changes about the roads. But this new “Roads added” part can be a sign to add roads with a new tool out of “Send feedback”. At least I hope so
After cooling down from this exciting discovery, I am thinking otherwise.
Without any official words, it can be what is happening:
They start counting how much reports we submitted (exactly how we are doing it now) for missing roads. And for any roads added, they will credit us with points.
It does not mean we will see “editing” of roads as in the next update.
(Anyway, I keep hopping advanced road editing aare coming back soon.)