Is Anyone hired for street view? As there is Available to hire option

Hello local guide around world

There is a option of “Available to hire” in street view app in setting option.

As it can be enable after publish and approved 50 street view

Is anyone here who uploaded and approved more then 50 street view and hired by someone or hired ever?

Plz comment


Hi @ErMahendraSharma thank you for reaching.

This is a Street View question, meaning that if you had access to the private Street View board you were suppose to ask this question there, but if you do not have access then you are asking this question on the correct board.

To answer your question, this available for hire option works for agencies who are providing Street View imaginary services to customers since they have equipment, when you are added on the list is when you have uploaded more than 50 approved images, and your details will be published on the list. I have never received any call my self or email, but I have checked the published lists and I can see my name and contact details from there.

The problem for not being called might be that there is competition as in other cities or countries there is a long list of people or agencies who are well known, highly experienced so they are taking away customers which you were suppose to get. Another thing might be that in your area businesses lack information about 360 photos or virtual tours if they are available locally or not, and if it can help them stand out online or not.

I hope this will give you some light. I hope others will also share some information. Cheers!


Hi @ErMahendraSharma

Switching to ON the “for hire” option has been, in the recent years, the only way to receive the Street View Trusted Badge.

The new procedure is clearly explained on the Street View Help Page: Publish and connect 360 photos with the Street View app

Get listed as a Street View trusted photographer

After you’ve published fifty 360 photos, you’ll be invited to join the Local Guides program as a trusted professional. You will also have access to an exclusive Street View trusted photographer forum on Local Guides Connect

To see if you’ve been invited, check the Street View app.

To get the trusted badge and be listed on the for-hire index, fill out the form that’s emailed to you and turn on the for-hire setting.

  • Open the Street View app
  • In the top left, tap Menu
  • Choose Settings.
  • Turn on Available for Hire.
  • Check the box next to “Get listed as trusted professional for hire.”
  • Tap Join Local Guides.

So definitely, YES, the only way to be hired is passing through this procedure, to be inserted on the Trusted photographer for hire list


Hi @ErMahendraSharma ,

Please note that I have accepted @ErmesT 's reply as a solution as it gives the complete answer to your question.


HI @ErMahendraSharma I am in the Street View Trusted Program and while I personally don’t want to be on the “for hire” list I know plenty of people who are. Being on that list alone won’t bring you much if any business. Like any service business you have to do the hard work of bringing in customers, selling and supporting your service. It certainly can be done if you’re a professional photographer interested in offering business services. I do personally know people who are remarkably successful at it.

Note that if you are both in SVtp professionally and a Local Guide you’ve got to be really careful to operate in a way that stays inside the rules of both SVtp and Local Guides. Its easy enough to do but you do need to be careful.

Regards Paul


Hello @ErMahendraSharma

In addition to the useful information shared by #ermest & others; I’d say that at this time you might not get listed in the hiring index as the SVT program is under revamp.