Ahora comprendo mejor el punto @ErmesT , en el sentido que indicas ahora si te puedo decir que yo tampoco publico todas las fotos que realizo en Maps aproximadamente tengo una biblioteca de fotos de unas 70.000 fotos y videos, de los cuales sólo tengo en Maps unas 19.000 fotos eso significa qué hay casi 50.000 fotos que por muchos motivos juzgo que no son para Google Maps. Al usar iOS las sugerencias de agregar una foto a Maps no es tan directo, así que siempre estoy escogiendo de todas las fotos que realizo cuál es la más adecuada para colocar en un sitio de Maps.
Very interesting post @ermest, and I’m not talking about the birds of course ?, besides the fact that your photos are very nice.
Well to answer your questions, yes many times! Why, because Maps often (well always) suggests to upload all photos taken with some GPS information which are able to locate those photos to a POI.
First example: this is more about the photos themselves, as you can see I’ve taken them in the morning from inside the car just because I noticed the beautiful colors of the sunrise and the fog. Well they are not on Maps, they are irrelevant.
Second example: more complicated, ethic one. I went recently to this restaurant to check it for a kids party, it was under closure time and I’ve been speaking with the owner strictly about the purpose of my visit. He suggested me to take some photos to show to my wife since we both never been there. Well they are not on Maps although very good photos. I decided not to upload because I didn’t have any experience here to review, just a simple visit and moreover the owner explicitly asked to take the photos for my wife.
Now you want a bird? Here you are, a special one and also not on Maps ?.
I love beautiful Krakow @helga19 and have lots of fond memories of my time there.
I’m in two minds about your kids party restaurant example @LuigiZ .
Hi @ErmesT ,
Very well said by you - Most of the pictures suggested by Google Photos can’t be uploaded … and that where lies the task of a Local Guide like us …
BTW in some pictures, birds do provide a beautiful look to image … sometimes they add a charm to the pictures. I keep some of those pictures as memories with me …
Birds are of course an excuse to talk about what is appropriate to upload on Maps, @Tushar18
And I agree that we need to carefully choose what to upload, as also @LuigiZ and @FaridTDF said.
At the end, we are the ones who confirm what Google Maps suggest to upload and, if we love to update Maps in an appropriate way, we will act on carefully.
Avoid to upload inappropriate content, will also avoid the needed of a cleanup. Isn’t it @JanVanHaver ?
Muy buen ejemplo @LuigiZ , creo que eso nos pasa en muchas ocaciones, la traduccion no me había dejado comprender bien el punto que estaba tocando @ErmesT al principio, supongo que con el tiempo y el hábito de hacer las cosas de una manera, hace que solamente algunas fotos agregue a Maps.
Correct @FaridTDF @ErmesT , it is more an education process as it is very easy to upload everything to get points … however the core value is not the points but the contribution to make better Maps and help others, so quality vs quantity.
Thank you @AdamGT for your message and I do fully understand your double mind, why not, they are good photos, they are real and they have been taken by me. Well it is my decision for that, I didn’t feel it was a quality contribution because it was closed, the owner asked me for photos for another purpose (what he should think if he sees those photos) and I don’t have anything to write for them as I didn’t eat there.
Absolutely right @ErmesT - for the time being however, we will still need to invest some time & resources into #LGCTM (and of course also still in LGCTW)!
My dream, @JanVanHaver , is to write a post announcing that “#LocalGuidesCleanTheWorld is closed”, and the world is clean.
On the meantime, “we will still need to invest some time & resources”, as you said.
Education can be one of the keyword, I agree @LuigiZ , @FaridTDF .
But also a self detection of the wrong photos, duplicate, selfies, car plates, and more, to be applied before to add the contributions.
Preventing is better than fixing. I know that I opening the door, with this sentence, to a lot of potential discussions but, like for the world, also for Maps my feeling is that we can do better, on both side
I am not usually a person for emoji, but in this case… Hope your boyfriend will forgive me. I am really sorry about your experience, that is very common in Venice.
Nice how this post can have a lot of different interpretation, Megan.
BTW, this post is not about birds (well, not really, even if the photos are used to get you here), but about posting photos in Maps The birds are an example of beautiful photos that I have decided to NOT upload in Maps. My question is: have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?
Not necessarily an Irreverent bird, of course.
Very aptly said by you @ErmesT … The work of a Local Guide is very much responsible
Absolutely correct said by @LuigiZ - its all about the game of quality vs quantity. I have seen people uploading their own pictures on Google Maps - which is not appropriate for the description of that site. Also, it disturbs their privacy too.
@JanVanHaver also rightly said that we need to invest some more time in our initiative of cleaning the maps - from unwanted pictures.
Te doy totalmente la razon en este punto @ErmesT , la educacion es una de las manera iniciales de hacerlo, en este punto se podria hacer un poco de entrenamiento de que colocar en maps y que no , en todas las quedadas que se organicen, de tal manera que nos tomemos unos minutos para hablar con los participantes a nuestras quedadas de cuales son las buenas practicas para colocar fotos en Maps. Se podria organizar un Challenger de a cuantas personas le pudimos transmitir estos mensages y consejos de buenas practicas para con Maps .
En general en cada quedada me gusta remarcar el tema de las selfies y el de fotos de grupos de personas, que no estan relacionadas con el sitio. A ti te ocurre lo mismo en tus Quedadas ?
Otro punto a tener en cuenta con respecto a las fotos en Maps, es que para mi se le tiene que aplicar mas control por parte de Google, aplicando mas IA a esas fotos que se levantan, de tal manera que las fotos donde aparezcan caras de personas, automaticamente sean descartadas, eso limpiaria millones de fotos irrelevantes de maps.
Es un proceso que lleva mucho tiempo y estoy seguro que a la larga tendremos un Maps mas limpio.
I agree at 100% @FaridTDF
Google photos is working everyday in a better way, identifying faces and object so, why not to have a preliminary check, before to upload the photos?
Thank you @SunMoon
BTW, this post is not about birds (well, not really, even if the photos are used to get you here), but about posting photos in Maps. The birds are an example of beautiful photos that I have decided to NOT upload in Maps. My question is: have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?
Not necessarily an Irreverent bird, of course.
Adding one more note on your reply, @FaridTDF , a meet-up is a very important opportunity for us to talk and to share experiences and best practices about how to contribute.
If you had the opportunity to read my last series of recaps, you may have seen how I was highlighting the reviews, written by the local guides of the group, on the POIs where we were.
Highlighting the great content is a good way to invite the people to proceed considering to contribute with quality instead of quantity
Absolutely right, @Tushar18
Cleaning the map is one of our daily duties.
Educating to better contribute is one of the important goal that we want to achieve
Oh, he won’t mind the giggle at his expense. We still laugh about it (even this morning). I will caution him to stay out of Venice.
My mistake! Goodness! lol @ErmesT I have held back on posting many photos. Usually, those where an individual turned their face towards the camera at an inopportune moment, or which looked good in my photos, but appears blurred in the preview after posting. (I sure wish I knew why this happens sometimes.) @lakeoftea and I schedule a call about once a quarter to curate our posted photos together - removing those which we do not find reflective of our current standards. (He has done a MUCH better job of curation than I have.)
As for the irrelevant birds… I particularly enjoy posting wildlife photos to Maps. The opportunity to see unique flora and fauna in a location is often a draw, and giving people some context on where they can find it brings me a little extra zing of joy.