Irreverent birds - Do you upload them in Google maps?

The air has no boundaries, and so does the wind

This is one of the reason why I love birds, and time by time I love to take photos of them.

Birds can fly, overcoming the barriers imposed to us by the force of gravity.

This gives them the opportunity to see the world from a completely different perspective.
What for us is a statue, a monument, or the cornice of a roof, is a point of support for them.

This gives them the freedom to be irreverent, privileging the functionality of a support over the symbolic meaning of a monument.

For this reason, the title of this post is “Irreverent birds”.

What I want to present in this post are the birds in the urban environment, in the images of the places that we upload to Google Maps.

Irreverent is of course a subjective point of view, as we (humans) know the meaning of the monument.

I didn’t uploaded the above photo in Google Maps, on Niccolò Tommaseo monuments, in Venice

Nor I uploaded this photo of the Saint Benedict statue, in Norcia

BTW, I uploaded the photos of the statue of St. Francis of Assisi in Frank Cresci Plaza . Why? Because the relation between St. Francis of Assisi and the birds is historically known. So, in this case, in my opinion, the photo was not Irreverent

What about you? Have you ever decided to NOT upload a legitimate photo because your feeling was that the photo was not appropriate?


Beautiful post @ErmesT

I can answer for your question - yes, I’ve decided to not upload a photo with bird. Because, it was very touristic place and most of tourist like to upload the similar photo. It was in my first trip to Tallinn a couple years ago. I met this seagull on the most beautiful viewing platform of Tallinn Patkuli Vaateplatvorm

This photo I took in the same place, when we had the Christmas Local Guides Meetup on December 2019.

BTW, I didn’t notice Irreverent birds in Tallinn on the monuments. Perhaps it’s too cold there for them.


But what would you decide if the bird and its irreverent friends have decided to overcome the barriers imposed on us by the force of gravity but leftNiccolò Tommaseo, for example, with white hair @ErmesT ? Would you upload your photo in this case?


Hello dear @ErmesT

It is really interesting theme in your post.

You are really right,these birds like to sit on the city monuments,there are many of them in the parks,city squares, we call them “City birds”

Pigeons make harm to the city monuments,sculpture ,and it is really difficult to clean tourist attraction in the cities.

Pigeon are called the “Bird of Peace”,

There are a lot of emblems with this birds.Do you know why this bird is the simbol?

Often we made the pictures and notice that there is a bird on the top of monument.,you are right.

Your photos are amazing.

It is nice shot.

I remember a lot of these birds in Krakow ,on the square,they were sitting on the ground.

Krakow is our nice memory about the first Meet Up!

Best wishes,



Las aves junto con con los paisajes y la arquitectura son mis temas fvoritos cuando estoy caminando por la calle o el campo la playa @ErmesT , pero las aves tienen eso que es la livertar de volar sin ataduras por el cielo, es tan hrmoo verlas que uno puede estar horas contemplandolas.

Ayer tuve la oportunidad de hacer una salida para vr los humedales costa adentro en Rio Grande, y tuve la oportunidad de hacer una foto de unas gaviotas que estaban en la pleamar.



How to forget the beautiful European Meet-up 2018 @helga19

BTW, you are right, I just checked my photo of Adam Mickiewicz Monument , and there are pigeons on the top :slightly_smiling_face:


As you can see in the photo, @AdamGT , poor Niccolò Tommaseo Hair have been already painted. My answer is no, I will not add the photo on Maps. Why?

Because I respect the person, that I consider one of the Maximum expert of the Italian language on the XVIII century, and I don’t want to be, as I already said, irreverent.

BTW, My question is: have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?

Not necessary an Irreverent bird, of course.


Thank you @JaneBurunina

I believe that deciding not to upload a photo taken is a decision that not all Local Guides make.

This is the reason of this post. Explain that we can choose to Not Upload a photo, if our feeling is that the photo is not appropriate.

It doesn’t really matter if the photo is good.

On the last week I forced myself to take bad photos, for a post that I am preparing.

Believe me, I have seen a lot of similar photos on Maps, I don’t know why it is so difficult to simply delete the photo, instead of upload something bad.

Of Course, this photo is not in Maps :slightly_smiling_face:


Wonderful collection of birds photos in different time slot, thank you for sharing @ErmesT


Tank you @AbdullahAM

BTW, the idea of this post was not to share only beautiful photos, but to think about what we upload in Maps.

Have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?

Not necessary an Irreverent bird, of course.



That’s really sad that some Local Guides are more interested in points and levels (I can’t see any reason) than in quality of contribution.


Everyone in the community knows about your love for the birds, @FaridTDF , and how much you love to take photos of them.

BTW, My question is: have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?

Not necessary an Irreverent bird, of course.


@ErmesT very nice my friend! I think I might have some pictures…


Hola @ErmesT , no, nunca tuve esa indefinicion, soy muy estructurado y me gusta en relaciona a las fotos ser consecuente con lo que realizo. Por otro lado yo soy de la vieja escuela provengo de la epoca de Panoramio (para el que no save que es Panoramio, es la primera plataforma que existio formalmente en Google Maps para poder Geolocalizar fotos), su origen es de unos amigos espa;oles que les gustaba muchos las fotos y tambien les gustaba Google Maps, al tiempo Google compro la plataforma, el resto es historia.

Con esto te quiero decir que desde que nacio Google Maps y agregar fotos vengo peleandome con los usuarios que suven selfies o fotos de sus amigos o de sus hijos en Maps jajaja por que seria la pregunta, a ti se te presentio ese dilema alguna vez ?



Thank you @marcorp , great photos.

BTW, this post is not about birds, but about posting photos in Maps The birds are an example of beautiful photos that I have decided to NOT upload in Maps. My question is: have you ever been in the situation of having to choose whether to upload or not a photo in Maps, finally deciding for the no, because you considered the photo inappropriate?

Not necessarily an Irreverent bird, of course.


@ErmesT ohhh got it… well, many times, especially photos with people… sometimes I think I might be flagged by the system, for instance, I have pictures of my own children playing with pets, at the park, etc… On Instagram, I have 2 accounts, my personal account with family photos and the one you know where I basically post landscapes, buildings, etc.


I do not upload 99% of the photos that Google Maps suggest me to upload @FaridTDF .

The first three photos of this post are not in Maps, two of them for a specific choice to respect the person represented by the statue.

As you can see in reading the replies, the post is a bit tricky, because I am posting funny birds, not bad photos, but the point still the same, not only for bad photos but also for some beautiful photo. Do all the photos have to be in Maps?

No, of course


Hi @ErmesT ,

You have raised a unique topic - which we generally miss out.

Yes, it’s true that sometimes the picture becomes weird due to presence of a bird in it … and that too at any unwanted location.

I have the picture of Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple where some birds can be seen sitting on its main entrance.

I had to patiently wait for them to fly away, so that I can have a clear picture.

Though not majorly, but these birds were coinciding with the pointed bulged stones of temple.

Here, I preferred not to upload this picture.


@ErmesT this post makes me so incredibly happy. My boyfriend was assaulted by the undesirable end of a seagull while walking near the docks in Seattle last year, and his immediate reaction was “Find me a bathroom and a new shirt now.” We were lucky to find a location that was ok with him grabbing a t-shirt and heading into the restroom immediately. Whenever we sightsee, we keep a particular watch for birds and their irreverent behavior now. Our avian “Where’s Waldo” pointed out just what you post here - birds will perch, and ahem anywhere. Somehow keeping an eye on them like naughty children makes even the most mundane day amusing.


Beautiful photo, @Tushar18 , of course without birds :slightly_smiling_face:

There are other cases of photos that you decide not to upload on Google Maps.

As I have all my photos stored on Google photos, maps is always suggesting me something to upload, and I say no on 99% of the request