Invitation to Join Worldwide Hospital Edit Walk Season 5

Hello Guides…

Welcome to Worldwide Hospital edit Walk Season 5.0

After a successful 4 consecutive years of Hospital Edit work, the 5th year is here too.

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and now Season 5.0 is here, Bigger and better.

This initiative is a community self-driven idea by Local Guides been put in place to help our community by providing quality contributions to the Google maps to help people in our community in times of need.

On this day our focal point would be to add/edit/review hospitals, medical centers, Clinics, Doctors office and any medical related facility on Google Maps around your area or locality.

No matter wherever you are in the world we encourage you to join hands and make an impact in your community by providing useful information about hospitals & medical centers in your community.

No contribution is too small. Even if it’s just by adding, answering questions, edit and inputting a photo all are welcome and appreciated, because no matter how little our contribution is, it can actually help people in times of need to locate, know about or have an overview about the place they want to go.

Note: always respect people’s privacy when taking pictures.

The Meet Ups should hold between February 1st - 28th, 2022.

I encourage you all to participate either by joining or creating a Meet up (Virtually or Physically if it is safe to do so).

Also you can go on your own to make the impact in your community without organizing the meet up by going solo.

To know how to create or organize a Meet up, please visit this useful link found on the Local Guides homepage: How to organize meet up

If you organized a meet up, feel free to tag me or share in the comment below with the meet up approved link.

List of Approved meet ups Season 5:

  1. Hospital Edit Walk Yaba. Feb 12 • Location: Lagos, Nigeria


Feel free to use the for your meet up. Edit to your own likes.

Kind regards



Come on my Friends lets do this again:

@doc_dells @SalmaanN @Ewaade_3A @UchechukwuEnem @NareshDarji

@MrFreez @Detective_Sulyman @Hadiya @Nuhuu


Yes! Its that time of the year again. Lets get this party started. :partying_face:

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Sagir, this is really beautiful. I love it

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Let’s go

a mission worth embarking on

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Thanks @UchechukwuEnem I look forward to see a meet up from Awka

@ogewuru My in-law I will be expecting a meet up from Enugu too.

Thanks @MrFreez we will do it again as usual.

Hello @Sagir , indeed such a wonderful way or means of putting up contributions of details in the health sector on the maps.

Since we are still within timeframe, i will take upon myself to add as much contributions as possible for this cause!
