Introductory message

Hi there!

My name is Daniil and I’m living in Almaty (Kazakhstan). My first content were photos for “Google Earth” application. I liked that I had an opportunity to share my photos with others on such popular service, which is allowing to make virtual travels around the world. Then I found out about Google Maps and during the looking through the city, where I’m living, I realized that information about Almaty on Google Maps is too little. Then I realized that it is easy to add new objects to Google Maps and first object, which I’ve added was the house, where I’m living and then I’ve added the street, where my house is located, neighborhood etc. In this way I’ve started to add all known to me objects such as schools, restaurants, cafes, hospitals and roads.

For today I’m engaged in placing photos and panoramas from my travels and places, which I visited. It’s so cool that I can share with my photos and impressions with world.

All local experts who are sharing with their photos gives an opportunity to people to know more about the interesting places around the world. Reviews and recommendations are also very useful, especially if you travel to the cities, or countries, or places where you’ve never been.

Here is one of my panoramas of mountains which are surrounded Almaty:

Tian Shan mountains around Almaty

Афигенные фотки. Можно спросить а как делать такие кадры? нужна камера специальная на 360 градусов?


Есть специальные камеры, которые сразу снимают сферическую панораму одним кадром.

Я пользуюсь приложением Google «Просмотр улиц», его можно установить на смартфон или планшет. Камерой делается множество снимков, которые автоматически сшиваются приложением в сферическую панораму.

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