From neighborhood spots to bucket-list travel destinations, people worldwide have saved more than 7 billion places on Google Maps. Many of you in the Local Guides Community have shared right here on Connect that this is an area on the app that you use frequently.
Even though life might look different right now and you might be shifting the type of places you’re visiting, we still see people using the Saved tab to bookmark places they want to explore in the future.
Over the next few weeks, you might notice a new look when you visit the Saved tab on Google Maps. The redesign makes it easier than ever to save and manage the places you’re interested in.
If you’ve chosen to turn on your Location History, the Saved tab will also surface places like restaurants you’ve been to before or a store you visited along the way.
You can read more about the updated Saved tab on The Keyword.
Local Guides, what do you think? We’d love to hear your feedback on the new and improved Saved tab in the comments below.
Nearby saved section looks interesting, it will be great using it when you have planned a trip and you don’t want to miss a place or decide which is the best option depending on your location.
Also its great to have our visited places organized in the Visited section, its an improved version of the timeline.
Gran actualización @KatieMcBroom incluso en éstos complicados tiempos yo también sigo usando ésta función para guardar mis sitios favoritos y lugares que quiero visitar cuando se pueda.
This is indeed a good development, especially with the ‘Nearby saved’. Last Sunday I decided to go out and try someplace new so I had to go through my ‘want to go list’ which was plenty.The nearby feature would really be a great filter for all of that!
@KatieMcBroom Oooh… I really like the Nearby Saved list to give me a nudge for a quick detour if possible! I usually save places but then forget to go to them! This should help a lot!
A Nearby Saved list is a nice enhancement @KatieMcBroom . IT hasn’t rolled out here yet but I do look forward to the increased utility of the Saved lists.