Hello everybody and welcome to Local Guides Connect! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to our community.
As “Introduce Yourself” threads can be lengthy, we start a new one each month and lock past threads. You can check past threads, like September’s, to see who recently joined and where they’re from (simply search for “Introduce Yourself”). If you’re new, please use this thread to post your “I’m new” or “Hello world” posts. We’ll merge any posts we find elsewhere with this thread to keep things organized.
So, I’ll start by introducing myself:
- Name: Klaudiya
- Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
- What I love about being a Local Guide: Before becoming a Local Guide, I used Google Maps and specifically, people’s reviews to make-up my mind whether or not I should visit a certain place. They really helped me a lot not only in my daily life, but also when I was away in a new and unknown city, where I didn’t know anyone. So, one day I decided that I want to be like them and started my journey as a Local Guide. It’s been an amazing and exciting adventure! I don’t know why, but helping someone find their destination or something that they are looking for makes me feel useful and it is fulfilling to be able to help another along their way.
- My favorite thing to explore: My top favorite things to explore when I am abroad is food, music and people. There’s nothing more enriching, at least for me than really making the time to understand, explore and embrace the different aspect of each culture.
- Fun Fact about me: Bungee jumping is one of the most extreme sports ever invented. It’s an adrenaline rush like no other, and of course, as a huge extreme sports fan I decided to give it a whirl. While falling down, one of the ropes hit me so hard that it cracked one of my front teeth.