Introduce Yourself - October 2018

Hello everybody and welcome to Local Guides Connect! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to our community.

As “Introduce Yourself” threads can be lengthy, we start a new one each month and lock past threads. You can check past threads, like September’s, to see who recently joined and where they’re from (simply search for “Introduce Yourself”). If you’re new, please use this thread to post your “I’m new” or “Hello world” posts. We’ll merge any posts we find elsewhere with this thread to keep things organized.

So, I’ll start by introducing myself:

  1. Name: Klaudiya
  2. Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: Before becoming a Local Guide, I used Google Maps and specifically, people’s reviews to make-up my mind whether or not I should visit a certain place. They really helped me a lot not only in my daily life, but also when I was away in a new and unknown city, where I didn’t know anyone. So, one day I decided that I want to be like them and started my journey as a Local Guide. It’s been an amazing and exciting adventure! I don’t know why, but helping someone find their destination or something that they are looking for makes me feel useful and it is fulfilling to be able to help another along their way.
  4. My favorite thing to explore: My top favorite things to explore when I am abroad is food, music and people. There’s nothing more enriching, at least for me than really making the time to understand, explore and embrace the different aspect of each culture.
  5. Fun Fact about me: Bungee jumping is one of the most extreme sports ever invented. It’s an adrenaline rush like no other, and of course, as a huge extreme sports fan I decided to give it a whirl. While falling down, one of the ropes hit me so hard that it cracked one of my front teeth. :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, my name is Brendan and I am a level 6 Local Guide from Johannesburg, South Africa.

I am absolutely crazy about Google Maps and I use it everyday whilst commuting, reading a review or looking for a great spot to eat.

I am totally stoked about the Local Guides Connect Live Summit and I will be shooting my video tomorrow.

I am fairly new to contributing and I absolutely love it.


Hello! My name is Edson Pereira, I’m a multimedia producer. I work with video editing, animations and I love photography.

I really like to travel and to get to know new places and cultures. Everywhere I go I’m always taking pictures and videos.

I love helping Google Maps users with updates: comments, pictures, and classifications.

Last semester I’ve created a presentation to show people what is a Google Local Guide and I’ve learned that 99% o my colleagues don’t know anything about it.

Now I want to promote a Local Guides meeting in Porto Alegre and surroundings. I’ve already set up a WhatsApp group and we are talking about it on the Local Guides Connect forum to make it happen.


Hi @EdsonPereira Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

A friendly suggestion of some links from our community,

Please feel free to ask questions and engage with the Community.

Warm regards,

Billy Anderson.


Hi my friend


Hi Friends…


Hi @rezapabna is this the same Reza who has been banned from Local Guides previously?


Hello dear

1 Like


Nice one


Very beautiful!


Hello @Manmohan2

Welcome to Connect, the Official Community of Google Local Guides. I am Niraj Bhusal , a level 8 Local Guide and a Google Street View Trusted Photographer from Nepal. In Connect we share our experience of local guides, talking about technical issues or sharing what is our feelings about it.

I suggest you to check Welcome to Photography Board where you will tips about posting in this board. Also, If you are interested in finding more ways how you can make your photo posts more engaging, look no more, in this good topic What makes a good post? you’ll find everything you need to know.

As this seems to be one of your first posts in here, I take the opportunity to give you some information to know how to interact with the community:

Welcome to Connect, the Official Community of Google Local Guides.

I am Niraj Bhusal , a level 8 Local Guide and a Google Street View Trusted Photographer from Nepal. In Connect we share our experience of local guides, talking about technical issues or sharing what is our feelings about it.

I recommend you to check out these tips to help you settle down into Connect and know more about the Local Guides program :




Hello World,

  1. Name: Abdullah Al Mamun
  2. Location: Mymensingh, presently live in the capital city Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: I love exploring, love travelling, I am someone who finds a lot of pleasure to travelling and eating out, I like to know about other Local Guides’ experiences from different part of the world. I enjoy photos uploaded by other Local Guides. I would like to explore my culture and share my knowledge with other Local Guides.
  4. My favorite thing to explore: I love to share my culture to other Local Guides and interested to know cultures from others too.
  5. Fun Fact about me: Browsing Internet, Visiting friend’s house, Friday Outing, Taking Photographs, I love to Exploring my neighbourhood.


October will be great month for all of us :slight_smile:

nice to meet our great humor charm inspire moderator @KlaudiyaG

Its my Turn now

For those who Don’t Know me

My Name is : Osama

Location: I Am Global Citizen Living now in Amman Jordan

What I love about being a Local Guide: i really more than a lover with Local Guides program

I Love The Fact That People Naturally love to Share the Advice (For Free) About where to go for Restaurant, Shopping, & tourist or Just spend quite nice time with family. I love Maps & before Google Maps I buy a Map & (search about Yellow Pages in the hotel :slight_smile: for every country i visit ,but now its much easier

to see all the world from your mobile navigate the city search about Places & see the real feedback from you about your experiences and you see my feedback , About me this save a lot of Time & Money that spend in searching the internet or reading about the city i will visit , With Google Local Guides We Can Help Millions of People and of course we can help each others as A Local Guides Community

how to tie your shoes & how to use Google maps ( Share location , traffic , contributions) will be critical Life skills for this century .


When My Father died i was a teenager my family give me the Shopping Responsibility with a tight budget to buy all the grocery list, so i practice to search about best quality with best price & now after 20 years i have my own family i still do the same, I LOVE SHOPPING compare prices ,wait the 70% sale

Not Like the majority of other Men I Love Shopping

the free parking not crowded places , & i love to share how i enjoy my time with my kids which resturant , children museum , Gardens , Playing Areas …

i love Historical sites for example Temple of Hercules , Petra , Mars yeah Mars check this post

Fun Fact about me : I love My friends

its Your turn don’t be shy tell us about Yourself We’re Local Guides We are one family


ku cinta hijaunya alam-Mu

ku cinta birunya langit-Mu

Alhamdulillah :innocent:


Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself @AbdullahAM in this month’s thread.

@OSAMA - I can’t wait to see your October introduction! I’m sure that it’s going to be a pleasant read. :slight_smile:


Hello World

We are lucky enough to live and work in Yorkshire, one of the most amazing county’s on this very small island. We have breath taking scenery and beautiful old buildings such as Kirkstall Abbey, spa towns such as Harrogate and the stunningly amazing Yorkshire Dales.

I love been a local guide, and think of it as an honour to help locals and travellers from afar. We love going to the east coast of Yorkshire to places like Scarborough, which apparently is the second most visited place outside London in the UK.

Put your big coat on, wrap up warm and come and say hello to Leeds and Yorkshire. If you choose to buy here we can also survey your house for you.


Hi @LeddyDrisman and welcome on Connect!

First of all I would like to excuse myself for replying in English. As you are new in here, why not edit your post, by clicking on the “Option” button, which is located on the top right corner of your post and then select “Edit post” and share a bit about yourself. If you ever need some inspiration, please feel free to check this post.

P.S.: I merged your post with this month Introduce Yourself thread, as it fits better there.

  1. Name: Giacomo

  2. Location: [Padova, Italy](http://Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 2-20 Via Guglielmo Oberdan, 2-20, 35122 Padova PD Google Maps)

  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: I love the idea to help other people in exploring cities or to guide them with suggestions about restaurants, shops and so on.

  4. My favorite thing to explore: Usually cities. I love to explore the everyday life of the cities, especially the non turistic areas of them. I also love to visit museums, monuments and expos logically.

  5. Fun Fact about me: I’m a PhD student in computer science, I’m then logically a big nerd that love technology, videogames, movies and TV series. I’m also a Cat Lover and my favorite food are Pizza & Sushi!


We’re awaiting for your new Intro @OSAMA