Hi everyone! Welcome to Local Guides Connect. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to our community.
As “Introduce Yourself” threads can be lengthy, we start a new one each month and lock past threads. You can check previous threads, like December’s, to see who recently joined and where they’re from. We’ll merge any “I’m new” and “Hello world” posts we find elsewhere with this thread to keep things organized.
Do you want to be featured inour monthly Introduce Yourself posts**?** Share your introduction in the comments, following the five prompts below, and a horizontal photo of yourself (in landscape mode). We will select one of the best introductions and include it in our next month’s post. Please note: Your response may be edited for clarity. By taking part in this challenge, you agree to us sharing your answers and photo(s) publicly here on Connect.
This month, meet @Ewaade_3A ! Ewaade is a Local Guide Level 9, and here’s what she shared.
3. What I love about being a Local Guide: Having a ‘real-life diary’ with details that are beneficial to other people.
4. My favorite thing to explore: Beaches! You can’t separate a Lagos girl from her Beaches.
5. Fun fact about me: I love kids a lot! I behave like one to preserve my innocence. I expect nothing from others, so when I get something, I am very appreciative. I dream really big!
Nice to meet you, Ewaade! Local Guides, don’t miss the chance to say hi to Ewaade in the comments below and to share your introduction, too.
Assalamualaikum, Halo semuanya! Selamat Datang di Local Guides Connect.
Ada istilah Tak kenal maka tak Sayang
Luangkan waktu untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada komunitas.
Untuk memulai, izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri:
Nama: Hidayatul Mursyidin
Lokasi: Kabupaten Bekasi
Apa yang saya suka tentang menjadi Local Guides: Saya senang menambahkan tempat baru dan edit tempat dan review tempat biar kalo ke kabupaten bekasi orang2 ngga nyasar.
Saya suka berbagi : Saya suka berbagi cara saya untuk menggunakan Google maps apalagi berbagi photo-photo dan video pemandangan Indonesia.
Bagaimana aku mendengar tentang Local Guides: Saya biasa mengulas maps di ponsel saya, dan ada email untuk menjadi local guides setelah saya klik langsung dong level 7.
Yang seru tentang saya: jalan-jalan gak jelas paling saya suka Fun, helpfull, humoris saya seorang teknisi dan senang dengan teknologi geografi kita bisa kemana aja tanpa harus ke tempat itu.
Maybe you are not aware that this is a global forum. I have never heard of DSR Academy. I don’t even know which country or what continent it is on. I hope you will have fun after the third period.
However, just like any other year, we are hoping that this year brings positivity, motivation and good health to everyone around the world. With a new year comes a new year resolution and we as people must take an oath to be sincere in our efforts irrespective of us being a working professional, student or anyone else. We must have faith and confidence in ourselves to get through any worry or trouble. One of the best promises that we can make to ourselves is to be safe from the hidden enemy that is still thriving in the world by following all the SOPs and protocols
Life is more joyful when you try to enjoy it, learn new things, and find balance between relaxation, fun, and productivity. @Gufran5 Thanks for sharing!
Bagaimana sih perasaan anda ketika berada di kebun binatang,??
Jadi disini kesan saya berada dikebun binatang… Sangat sekali senang dan terhibur, disana banyak jenis binatang yang banyak saya belum mengetahuinya apalagi banyak juga binatang yg hampir punah…sangat disayangkan sekali jikan binatang kebanyakan punah ya teman… Yuk kita jaga dan lestarikan fauna kita agar tetap eksis dan lestari untuk anak dan cucu kita kedepan supaya mereka bisa melihat dan merasakan kebahagiannya.
We are a group of 4 adults and 3 children. We have a train from Varanasi that leaves at 10:58pm and have heard of retiring rooms at the station. Can anybody let us know what these are and if they are clean
Through my personal experience, it offers only basic accommodation, which you will need to book online through IRCTC website. The sleep quality is very poor with the movements of train and their blaring horns throughout the day and night. Instead you can book some hotel in the proximity of railway station or Cantt area (within 10 minutes of drive).
sic rooms, you may have to check for availability. If you are sightseeing throughout the day and want to rest for a few hours before your train, then these may be good option, however if you are looking for these rooms to stay, for a day or two, then its better you get a hotel close to the Railway Station, there are plenty of hotel’s
Oh I have to totally agree with fellow Connect Moderator @LuigiZ , that’s one great smile you have there @Ewaade_3A , and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming BIG! Can you share one of those dreams with us all