Interval shooting by Ricoh THETA SC problem

Hello local guides,

In interval shooting of Streetview App by Ricoh THETA SC,
Interval does not work if I shoot for more than 5 minutes and stop and then resume.

With the same conditions Ricoh THETA app does not cause problems.

I also tested with multiple smartphones, but the same symptoms.

Please tell me how to solve it.


Hi, @YasumiKikuchi

Have you tried un-install and re-install of Street View App yet?

Some kind of cache files seems to cause the issue.

Good luck!


Hello @YasumiKikuchi

I think re install Streetview App must be repaired. I’ve experienced this with Ricoh THETA S before and I’ve solved the problem by reinstall it.

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I appreciate that your advice was helpful.

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I appreciate that your advice was helpful.


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