International book fair at new delhi

Hello Everyone i recently visited to International book fair New delhi. I saw there a large collection of National, International and Regional authors’ book. Not only the books but also this place is designed in such a way to expand the probable opportunity for new authors who are looking for publishers. This year Russia is partnering to conduct this global Event. This event is being conducted at Bharat Mandapam(Hall-2 and Hall-4). #NDWBF2025
Also various renowned authors use to come here. Different artists from many countries are also invited for there’s performance at auditorium.

visitors will have to buy ₹20 ticket, available on Metro station and entry points and online as well.



Sehr schöne Bilder von der Buchmesse, interessant @AmitSharma1507 :pray:

Pragati Maidan, gate will open on the left. :books: @AmitSharma1507

#NDWBF25 #NewDelhiMetro

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@AmitSharma1507 Thanks for sharing your experience at the International Book Fair in New Delhi. Your photos and insights truly capture the event’s vibrant atmosphere. Appreciate the ticketing info too; it’s helpful for planning a visit. :+1:

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Am a book lover … I would have loved to attend the international book fair @AmitSharma1507 :star_struck::star_struck:

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