Hi All
I am Nityananda from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
I got very excited and thankful for the event news.
It’s a good opportunity to explain how much I love Google maps, it’s make my life easier and always I’m counting on them.Now this Google maps is part of my daily life, believe or not it’s the first think I check always whenever I am going new places.
Thank you Google everyday you make my life easier.
I have been using Google Local Guide from past 2 years and it was started by the way to keep people in the right way as Google keep us in the whole world. Google maps are the boon to every person in the world and when I came to know it’s the people who help people with Google so I was into it for no cause, only for helping people to identify the right location. I have been traveling a lot and Google maps guide me for the same. So, it also did for Google and starting form feedback I jumped to photos, adding a location, updating the current location, adding website etc. I would like to thank Google for this opportunity and hope for the best for all who are trying to apply to connect with local guides live in San Francisco.