Inspiring local people by being google local guide

Hi, im rachel from Surabaya - Indonesia

Since I chose to be a fulltime mom, places I visited has changed. I have to make sure that the places im gonna go is a kids friendly area, outdoor family friendly area is the most favourite place to go. Taman safari, dino park, zoo and eco park always success to refresh our body and mind, also my kid can learn and play full of fun.

Google local guide makes my life easier to know more facts about family recreation area around my city.

that’s inspiring me to be a local guide and contribute more, it give own satisfaction when i can help others and engage with them by answer the questions, share more pictures.
i used to be a ‘passive participant’ on google maps, then starts my first review on 2018 and become level 6 now. im so so excited receive invitation to visit google office on california! hope i can be the lucky one and inspire more local people around me.