Inserire foto o recensioni di luoghi visitati anni fa è possibile ? A quel tempo ancora non facevo recensioni e non inserivo foto o recensioni su google maps . Grazie . Questa foto , l’ ho scattata io nel 2016 e mai aggiunta a google maps . @AdamGT
On generale direi di no, @Devis79 per in motivo molto semplice. Una recensione dovrebbe essere basata sullo stato attuale di in luogo. Immagina di cercare in ristorante in Google Maps, e trovare una sola recensione che dice “ci sono stato nel 2016 e abbiamo mangiato benissimo, però adesso credo abbiano cambiato cuoco”.
Se recensisci un luogo naturale, di solito quello non cambia molto, ma anche in quel caso, in realtà non lo puoi sapere. Possono essere state fatte modifiche che non conosci, chiuse parti, ecc.
Stessa cosa per le immagini. Se non sei certo che rappresentino lo stato attuale del luogo, io eviterei di caricarle
The Maps User Contributed Content Policy states that “Contributions to Google Maps should accurately represent the location in question” so from these words I would say that this depends on the nature of the Place of Interest. Given that the idea of reviews and photos is to help current visitors make an informed decision about the place, I would think that currency of a review and photos could be important. For example, if it’s a restaurant maybe the management has changed, the menu has significantly changed, or the wait staff has changed and the service has significantly improved since you visited. However, if it’s say a park (e.g. Madison Square Park) or a historical building (e.g. the Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower), or some other landmark (e.g. the Statue of Liberty) changes, if any, wouldn’t be of any significance. I would say that “it might be relevant” in an old review to say something like:
“We visited the … restaurant in May 2018 and we had a fantastic time there. The food was great, the atmosphere was electric, and the wait staff provided exceptional service. Hopefully it will be the same for you today!”
“We visited Egypt in May 2018 and for like the thousands who visited this place in the centuries before us and for the thousands that will follow in the years to come, it was an amazing experience to see the Great Pyramid of Giza with our own eyes. It was stinking hot, but well worth the visit.”
When it comes to photos I’m drawn to the following words in the Local Guides Community Policy - take photos that clearly and accurately represent a location. So if your photos still accurately represent the location then even though they were taken some time ago then they would be relevant but my guess is that the Google Maps AI program would give preference to more current photos!
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Ho inoltre segnalato la risposta di @AdamGT come soluzione, in modo tale da essere più visibile e utile per chi avesse lo stesso dubbio.