Inscrição CONNECT

Podem me ajudar não consegui me inscrever antes das 20 horas o aplicativo estava encerrado. Agora o aplicativo ainda está aberto pra inscrição mas eu não consigo me inscrever alguém pode me ajudar?

Nao consegui o que deveria escrever


Hello @SilvaniaMaria07

First, you should hide the information regarding your email ID & phone number to protect your privacy.

Secondly, the screenshot which you have shared doesn’t appear to be the one used for signing up either a Google account or the Local Guides programme… The Google logo isn’t appearing anywhere on the screen. If you can share the previous screen through which you entered this sign-in page, that would be helpful.

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E esse aplicativo

Ei não sei onde se inscreve você pode me enviar o print da página?

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Amigo obrigada pela informação como faço para apagar o print que envie?Nem pensei nisso na privacidade. Oh meu Deus.

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Hello @SilvaniaMaria07

You can edit the picture in Sanpseed & blur the relevant content. Then add that modified picture afresh.

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Hello @SilvaniaMaria07

Thanks for sharing the screenshot. The pic is of an event management app & has nothing to do with the Connect Live 2020.

Possibly you searched the play store looking for a Connect app. However, there is no such app. You have to access the connect site through the browser only or else you can use the progressive web app.

In any case, the window for applying for the Connect Live is closed now. Better luck next time.

Nevertheless, you should always refer to the following link for any Connect live related information

& nowhere else.


@C_T 's assumption is correct.

This app

has absolutely nothing to do with Connect Live 2020.


PS Please remove the first pic if you don’t know how to blur your personal details, @SilvaniaMaria07 .

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Hi @SilvaniaMaria07 thank you for reaching out.

We are sorry to tell you that applications for Connect Live 2020 have been closed. You can still apply next time which may be next year 2021. The application appearing on your screen short is not related to Local Guides Connect or Connect Live 2020, here we currently do not have a dedicated app for applications or for this community. What ever we do is done here on the main website, if we gonna have an app it will be announced here, for now we all contribute using the Google Maps, Street View app on mobile and website on PC.

About you private details appearing on the screen short please edit the screen short to blur or remove your personal details as mentioned above by @MortenCopenhagen and @C_T here are the steps on how to edit the screen short or delete it and replace with another edited one.

1. On your post, click on the three dots and select edit message as shown on the screen short bellow:

2. Select edit message show o n the screen short bellow:

3. This is how you access the edit tool to delete and replace your photo:

4. Final step on how to delete or replace a photo on an existing post:

If you still struggling to edit your screen short, I will tag @ErmesT to assist as I can not do it for you my self unless a Googler can take it from here. Cheers!

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Hello @SilvaniaMaria07 ,

I’m just letting you know that I have removed the photo from your post since it was containing your private contact information.

As I see you’ve already been informed, the app you showed is not related to Google Maps of the Local Guides program in any way and is not connected with this years Connect Live.

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