Since a few years ago, I have been thinking about how good Google Maps would be if the location of a place could be improved. Recently, it is now possible to see a places indoor, e.g. a shopping mall, with its floors and the stores are categorized by this specific location. However, the majority of places still do not have this feature and sometimes it is really annoying to be walking around wondering where the place is. Another example is universities - the classrooms could be easily found if this could be implemented. Also, it could be something that the Local Guides could add or change.
It just emphasizes how it is important. I am just afraid that if this feature will only be available when Google adds it place by place, it will take too long. So this could be something that can be changed or implemented by Local Guides over a certain level.
E.g. imagine if I live in a small city and my university is also not that popular, but this does not mean about how big it is or not - I can totally get lost in this university, or I can be a parent or someone just going there for a day to a specific reason and I do not know anything about the place.
Please note that the feature you are suggesting already exists. Property owners and their authorized representatives can upload floor plans and building layouts using the Google Maps Floor Plans beta tool or visit
I totally agree. I often run into the problem that itʼs very difficult – if not impossible – to add a missing place when one POI is quite literally on top of another!! The problem is (as far as I understand it) that Google charge businesses to add floors, so giving LGs the ability would mean taking a hit to bottom line – which means (call me cynical if you like) the situation is probably very unlikely to change unless enough companies refuse to cough up.
If one reads the original post and my previous comment carefully it is clear the SUPPOSED SOLUTION doesn’t really address the issue at all because LGs are unable to add floor plans themselves!! In my humble opinion, it should NOT be marked as a SOLUTION for that reason.