Hallo again everybody.
Really want to show my appreciation to people who have encouraged us with their kind comments. And those with suggestion and critic, thank you too cos it lets us know how to be better.
Today’s post is another dish that is quite the favourite of the locals. We call is Sayur Sop Isi Bakso Sapi (Or Vegetable soup with beef meatballs).
The taste is quite refreshing and has that nice hint of beefiness in it. However do note that Indonesians prefer a stronger flavour and the salty level may be high for some people. Please adjust salt level accordingly to taste.
As always please give us your feedback if there is any. I really enjoy the positive vibe here and am happy to continue sharing as long as time permits.
Food Story / Cerita Makanan: Bakso is derived from the word bah-so (which means minced meat in Hokkien). This suggests that bakso has its roots from the Chinese immigrants who took root in Indonesia. As such, this Indonesian meatball has taken the form of both Chinese and Indonesian cooking methodology. As a popular food in Indonesia, today we teach you how to make a simple soupy dish using chicken broth and beef bakso and some easy to find vegetables. This hot soup soup is nourishing and perfect for keeping your body warm. It is delicious and also goes great when eaten with rice. Don’t hesitate to cook it today!
Bahan-bahan (Ingredients):
Tulang ayam (Chicken Bone Stock) @ 2 ekor (2 pcs)
Kentang (Potato medium size) @ 2 pcs (potong dadu/cut to cubes)
Wortel (Carrots) @ 2 pcs (potong dadu/cut to cubes) https://www.tokopedia.com/tokokiwa/wortel-per-250gr
Garam (Table Salt) @ 3 sdt (2 tsp)
Lada (Ground pepper powder) @ 2 sdt (2 tsp)
Kaldu ayam (Chicken Stock) @ 3 sdt (2 tsp)
Bawang putih (Garlic) @ 3 siung (3 cloves) (cincang halus/diced finely)
Bawang merah (Red Shallots) @ 3 siung (3 pcs) (cincang halus/diced finely)
Selada (Lettuce) @ 250 gr https://www.tokopedia.com/tokokiwa/selada
Penyedap rasa sasa (Cooking Flavouring) @ 1 sdt (1 tsp)
Minyak Goreng (Vegetable Cooking Oil) @ 2 sdm (2 tbs)
Air (Clean Water) @ 3 liter
Bakso sapi (Beef Meatball) @ 250 gr
Cooking instructions / Cara memasak:
~ Panaskan 3 liter air untuk merebus ayam sampai mendidih untuk mendapatkan kaldu ayam (Heat 3 liters of water to boil with the chicken bones to get chicken stock)
~ Sediakan 2 tempat, saring air kaldu dan masukan ke dalam wadah dan dengan ayamnya secara merata (Strain the broth and then mix the broth and chicken into a container evenly)
~ Panaskan 2 sdm minyak goreng kemudian tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih sampai warna kecoklatan (Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil then saute onion and garlic until golden brown.)
~ Masukan 3 sdt kuah kaldu ayam, 2 pcs kentang dan 2 pcs wortel yang sudah dipotong-potong dan bakso kemudian diamkan selama 20 menit (Add 3 teaspoons chicken stock, 2 pcs potatoes and 2 pcs carrots that have been chopped and meatballs then simmer for 20 minutes)
~ Tambahkan 3 sdt garam, 1 sdt penyedap rasa Sasa dan 2 sdt lada dan selada (Add 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon Sasa flavoring and 2 teaspoons of pepper and lettuce)
~Masakan sudah siap untuk disajikan (The dish is ready to be served).
Stay healthy and happy always! Cheers!