Hallo Everybody!
I am back again with another recipe our team made. I personally like tempeh alot. For those who do not know what it is, its fermented soy beans. To be honest, its a very Indonesian dish and may not be to everybody’s liking. But for those who like to be adventurous, you gotta try this.
We are not very professional but we do have a love for food and sharing our culinary culture. Do let us know if you would like to know about our food and recipes and we will be happy to share!
If our recipe helped you in anyway please do like and subscribe and share. Thank you all so much!
Food Story / Cerita Makanan: Témpé, Javanese pronunciation: [tempe]) is a traditional Indonesian soy product, that is made from fermented soybeans. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. Here a special fungus is used, which has the Latin name Rhizopus oligosporus, usually marketed under the name tempeh starter.
Bahan-bahan (Ingredients):
Saus tomat (Tomato sauce) @ 250 gr
Kecap manis (Sweet sot sauce) @ 1 sdt (stp)
Daun salam (Bay leaves) @ 3 lembar (pcs)
Tempe (Tempeh) @ 200 gr
Garam (Salt) @ ½ sdt (potong memanjang) stp (cut to length)
Cooking instructions / Cara memasak:
~ Tuangkan minyak goreng dan tunggu hingga panas (Pour cooking oil and stump until hot)
~ Potong tempe memanjang sesuai selera (Cut the tempe lengthwise according to taste)
~ Panaskan saos tomat kemudian masukkan daun salam hingga layu (Preheat the tomato sauce then add bay leaves until wilted)
~ Tambahkan garam kemudian masukkan tempe dan tumis (Add the salt then add tempeh and saute)
~ Tambahkan kecap manis (Add sweet soy sauce)
~ Aduk hingga rata dengan api sedang (Stir until smooth on medium heat)
~ Angkat tempe tersebut dan sudah bisa disajikan (after cooked immediately lift the tempeh and can be served)