Indonesia Travel Bucket List Sulawesi 8 : Statue of Jesus "Sensation of Samba Brazil"

The popularity of the West Indonesia side on social media is far less than the fame of the East side, where hashtag with locations in Bali, NTB, Sulawesi and Papua is always crowded with posts by local and international netizens.

The trip this time is exploring Toraja, bringing the far-away investigators into the process of Indonesian customs in Toraja and tourist destinations on the 3rd or last time this is the Buntu Barake Tourism Object (Statue of Jesus).

Wisata Buntu Burake (Statue of Jesus) is located in Buntu Burake Hill, Makale, Tana Toraja Regency, Selatam Sulawesi, Indonesia More or less 5 km from the city of Makale,

The Jesus Statue Blessing is one of the symbols of the majority of Christians in Tana Toraja,

But tourists who come not only from Christians, because this location besides being a famous tourist spot in Tana Toraja is also a unique and interesting art tourist spot, considering this is the second highest statue of Jesus in the world.

Google Maps :

How do I become a Local Guides to promote Indonesian tourism (Indonesia Travel Bucket List Stories : Local Guides X Indonesian Ministry Of Tourism)

The name of the program is “SUSUR NUSANTARA” has a special agenda to revitalize the existence of tourist spots in Indonesia that are less exposed on social media. The West Side’s fame on social media is far less than the East side’s fame, where hashtags with locations in Bali, NTB, Sulawesi and Papua are always crowded with posts by local and international netizens.

I along with the team explored 8 destinations that are rarely exposed in Indonesia. I was officially invited to collaborate because I am a co-founder of Indonesia’s largest media on Instagram, @ExploreIndonesia, and also I am an alumni of the 2017 Local Guides Summit who are very active in helping local tourism in my residential areas, Sidoarjo and Surabaya.

Not only that, my job there is to photograph the beauty of the natural, cultural and regional heritage there. But it also helps to update the location with updated points of tourist attractions on Google Maps with the Local Guides program and Street View Trusted Photographer so that it will get maximum results.

My goal for sharing this story is to show my experience when traveling to unique places in Indonesia. And also helps provide insight to other global Local Guides friends. So, I will write my stories through the title “Indonesia Travel Bucket List Stories”.

Hopefully, one day, officially, @ExploreIndonesia and the Google Local Guides program also Google Maps can collaborate in Indonesia.


Gran trabajo! @FahmiAdimara siempre es bueno dar a conocer ésos lugares que aunque son hermosos e increíbles no son tan populares en nuestro país.

