
Hello. Are there any local guides in central Indiana interested in a meet-up? Over the years, I have gotten a few friends to become top contributors on maps, and they would attend .

Bri B


Hi @BriTheTree good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.

Have a read of How to Organise a Local Guides Meetup and HowTo: Leading a Photo/Food/Geo Walk

I hope your Meetup goes well.

Regards Paul

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thanks for the post. I’m going to be near Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis ( IUPUI) this April 10-15 , 2019 from Seattle. I’m going to be working on my submission video to the Nov event and some posts. I can find a classroom to meet in the engineering building section to facilitate idea sharing and posts how to’s with my journalist best friend. Are you available to partner up to get this idea off the ground?

Hi @BriTheTree I would love to meet up! I also have a coworker who is a guide and would probably be interested as well.

Hi @BriTheTree @SophiaG20 @jnycoco !

I’m new to Indy myself and came across this post. Did you folks finally meet or is it still coming up anytime?



Hi Pete,

Welcome to Indy! We never did connect, bit would be up for it!

Take care,


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Yay! That makes two of us. Maybe we’ll wait and see if people find this thread in the next few weeks and we can probably catch up in the summer!

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That sounds like a plan!