indescribable feelings...

Hello friends. Receiving this award this year, I think, was the best moment that has ever happened to me for a year. We were very bored, especially when covid was closing us in our homes. I had covid a few times. At that moment, all I thought was whether I would be able to travel again…I’ve been following the posts here for a long time. I’ve been writing for a few years. And I met so many sincere people that this has become a home for me that I should see every day. The first thing I did after looking at my social media accounts in the morning was to see who posted what.

I met a lot of kind-hearted people that I can’t finish tagging here. After the youtube video, my phone froze from the notifications. Congratulations were pouring in. I was very proud.I experienced the biggest shock when I went to school. All my students were applauding me and saying we are proud of you. When I shared the live broadcast on my social media, someone saw it and informed the whole school. It was a very strange and happy feeling.

The friendly atmosphere here, the friendly moderators and more made me incredibly happy.A separate happiness for me is that I take part in the beginning of the video and it’s a very sweet animation. But I’m calling out to my friend who makes animation, I don’t have that much belly :rofl: :sweat_smile:

yes friends, it is an incredible feeling, an incredible pride. Thank you to everyone who deemed me worthy of this. I especially saw the support of a few of my friends.I hope it’s a big party and see you there​:smiling_face: :pray:t2:

@AdamGT @ErmesT @Sophia_Cambodia @SholaIB @DeniGu @LuigiZ @MortenCopenhagen @KashifMisidia @NareshDarji @ChiaraMariaC

I apologize to my friends that I didn’t tag because there is a tag limit. :pray:t2:


Hi @Gezendunyali

Wow !!! I hope I get the chance to be the 1st to reply.

This is so special to be a guiding star in the same class as yourself. The crack we had on my post about Guiding-Stars-2022-Guess-Challenge-Who-s-next ? Was great. We all played nicely at the game realising that we are all on for the thing.

It was so nice to be there together and now all guiding stars too.

Thank you for tagging me here. Congratulations.

Before I forget, we have lots of things in common. We both have our cartoon images featured :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: . We are now level mates as well. Keep shinning and please get in touch PM for closer interaction if you don’t mind.



Let me be the second reply, @Gezendunyali .

I also liked the event, so much so I got a bit touched a few times to be honest.

I can understand if others following along while hoping to see their name mentioned also got a bit disappointed.

At a single moment I was a bit disappointed too. This was when the number 150 million local guides was mentioned again. I had hoped for an updated number to be bragging about. I believe the 150+ million was first mentioned about 2 years ago.

While at it, I missed also to see the Google Moderators in the video.

Otherwise it was perfect. Ahh, meeting in person would if cause have been more amazing.

Cheers and thanks for sharing your thoughts. @Gezendunyali .

I’m happy to learn your students honored you also.




yes you’re right. we have a lot in common. I hope we can explain this face to face with laughter one day. I hope we will have many more successes.:smiling_face: :facepunch:t2: @SholaIB

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Hey @MortenCopenhagen you deserve to be number one wherever you are​:smiling_face: :facepunch:t2:

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Nice job my friend @Gezendunyali

Much deserved !!!

So happy you got awarded…


Thank you so much :smiling_face: :pray:t2: @AZ_2021

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Hello @Gezendunyali ,

congratulations to you for becoming one of the amazing Guiding Stars of the year 2022! :clap:t2: :partying_face: :star2: :tada:

You deserves it very much! :blush: :bouquet: :rosette:

Thank you so very much for tagging me and also a lot of other fantastic Local Guides in your great Local Guides Connect-post, so we can celebrate this together also here! :star_struck: :partying_face: :tada:

I’m infinite and forever grateful to the entire Google Local Guides-team to be selected as one of the Guiding Stars of the year 2021! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star2: :bouquet: :tada:

I wish you a great time as a Guiding Star! :blush: :bouquet:

Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany! :blush: :star2: :de:


Danke schön :smiling_face: :pray:t2: @ChiaraMariaC

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You’re most welcome, @Gezendunyali ! :blush: :bouquet: :star2: :tada:

I wish you a great day! :blush:

Many warm greetings to you from Hamburg, Germany! :grinning: :star2: :de:

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Thank you so much for all commnets​:smiling_face: :pray:t2:


Congratulations @Gezendunyali :tada: :confetti_ball:

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Thank you so much :smiling_face: :pray:t2: @Saiyen

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