Incredible Amhedabad (sidi saiyyed mosque)

Off the eastern end of Nehru bridge stands the Sidi Saiyyed mosque. Built in 1573, it is the last of the major mosques to be built in Ahmedabad under the Mughal rule. Surrounded by busy intersections, it presents a stark contrast to speeding buses and giant advertisements.

The carved jaalis in the windows of the western wall are known worldwide and have become a symbol of the city of Ahmedabad. Depicting a tree with intertwining branches, the carvings look like fine lace filigree work, but are hewn from solid stone. Though much smaller than the Jama Masjid, and lacking the enclosed courtyard, the craftsmanship of this mosque places it on a level nearly unequaled in the world.



Thanks for the information post.

Greetings from Dhaka Bangladesh.


The photo is stunning. Definitely got my interest in this landmark.