[In-Person] Italy, June 19, #Euromeetup 2025: see you all in Lucca, Italy!

@LuigiZ @ErmesT Really looking forward to the event! This would be my first time visiting mainland Italy (I visited Sicily once a while back). Hopefully I’ll get the chance to explore other areas too :crossed_fingers: Good luck in your preparations!!


Grazie @manulele81 e si capisco che e’ un periodo troppo “caldo” per te quello! Dai se per qualsiasi ragione ci sono cambi di programma ovviamente ti aspettiamo :blush:.

Un abbraccio forte!

Thank you very much @AdrianLunsong, that’s very nice and looking forward having you here :sunglasses:!

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I’m very sad, but unfortunately I can’t take part in this meetup. My mother is celebrating her 75th birthday during this time and would like to have the whole family there. So I’m going to celebrate too, but elsewhere.
I wish you a great wonderful event together.


@LudwigGermany Oh no, what’s a pity :frowning: I really appreciate the advice you gave me at the Manchester Meetup about getting my blocked Google reviews back. Wishing your Mom a very happy 75th birthday! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Oh no, this is so pity @LudwigGermany :cry:, I was counting on your presence!

But indeed family is important so enjoy the well deserved celebrations :partying_face:.


I try to book my calender for this meetup. If I can do then this will be my first meetup with Local Guides.


Hello this seems like a nice oppurtunity to meet my fellow google guides :slight_smile:
What a nice idea!! and is it really for everyone despite the level where you are in? And if so, when is more info expected ?
grts Jacky


As a previous attendee I cannot encourage people more than to get to a #EuroMeetup. I was an honorary European for a few days (I’m an Aussie) and meeting with old friends, making new friends and spending time with some of the Local Guides team was awesome. The event will run across several days and feature both formal and informal events. I can guarantee you will get to know your host and the beautiful Italian city of Lucca really well. @LuigiZ has some big shoes to fill to pull off this latest iteration. If you can, definitely put this on your calendar and get there.



Any level at all @JackyB the only requirement is to be a Local Guide :slight_smile:


So, we come for one week, @LuigiZ .
We would prefer a lot of “danza” as well before and after the Event :dancer::man_dancing::dancing_women::man_dancing:


Sorry to hear that you won’t be able to join us in Lucca! But on the flipside, you have a great reason to be busy! Have a great time with the birthday celebrations when it comes!


For those new to #EuroMeetup, you can check out a few recap posts from last year’s #EuroMeetup2024 held in Manchester, UK where @PeteMHW and myself played co-hosts and co-organisers.

  1. My recap from an organiser’s perspective. - Link
  2. Recap from attendees @TheRealKristin and @LudwigGermany - Link1, Link2

They give a good sense of the meet-ups. Every year, there’s a different host and country and the activities vary. In a nutshell, you’ll get to explore a city via a host Local Guide(s) and do that in the great company of like minded folks (everyone who loves exploring, discovering new things, taking photos, trying new food/drinks etc). It’s a fun, casual and social experience!


Wonderful @AsifAmirBhuyian, it would be great if you will join too!

Thank you @JackyB, as @PaulPavlinovich and @AdrianLunsong already commented this is free to everyone, just book your calendar and eventually also your travelling for the days of the meetup while the detailed agenda will follow up closer to the even :wink:.

@TorM you can stay as long as you keep dancing :joy:!


Booked the plane, booked the Airbnb above a gelateria, haven’t booked the plane home yet. Might stay forever.