In Four Places at Once #StateChallenge Arizona

As a little girl, I remember my dad being gone for days at a time. It was always exciting when he got home - he always brought something tasty to eat or a little present for me. Still, for 2-4 days each week, he was gone. This is because he was a Captain in the Los Angeles City fire department.

As a firefighter, he worked in shifts outlined by colors - each week, different colors worked different days. Because our house was a few hours from his fire department, he frequently switched shifts with others so that he could work a few days in a row. This led to an experience that was normal for me at the time - he didn’t work at all during the months when I was out of school. Thinking back on it now as an adult - it was a miracle.

We never left the guys from his firehouse far behind - a few of his coworkers had children about the same age as me, and they each managed to achieve the same work-schedule miracle. At some point every June, our collection of families would pile into multiple RV’s and spend 2-3 months wandering around the western USA as a caravan. We would pull into the same campgrounds at night, take the same hikes during the day, and visit the National Parks, all as a group of a few families and a few kids.

One of my favorite place on these trips was always the Four Corners Monument, driven to in Arizona, but not exactly located in Arizona.

Four Corners Monument is the location in the exact place where four US States - Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah all meet. There is a special marker on the ground showing the precise spot, and if you visit, you can get down on the ground and reach your feet into two states, and your hands into two more. This means you are in four places at once.

All of my photos from that time are in a photo album far away, otherwise, I’d share the pictures of me in crab-position, smiling like crazy with excitement.

Are there similar locations anywhere else in the world?

This post is part of the #StateChallenge organized by @Kwiksatik and @Denise_Barlock. If you want to find out more, check out this post. You can also find other submissions by searching the #StateChallenge hashtag. There is also a virtual meet-up on Arizona coming up which you can sign up to here!


Nice story! :ok_hand: :+1: :clap: :heart: @Kwiksatik Thanks for sharing with us :heart:



This is a unique and interesting place @Kwiksatik and I discovered it in April this year when randomly exploring Google Maps for places around Las Vegas.

I was supposed to visit Vegas in the 3rd week of June and had made all the planning with the bucket lists ready as early as January.

But the global pandemic forced to cancel the trip. Though I will be there next year for sure and this place is high on my places to visit around Vegas.

I know there’s nothing spectacular out there except a round metal plate right where the 4 boundaries intersect at a point but this in itself is quite thrilling, especially for a geography buff like me.

Another similar imaginary geographical place of interest is in India, a place where the Tropic of Cancer, an imaginary line that separates the Temperate zone and the Torrid zones passes right across India and through as many as 8 states.

One such “monument” of this imaginary line is at the Tropic of Cancer Line.

Interesting isn’t it?

Finally, how do you justify this point as belonging to the state of Arizona? :blush: Just kidding.


Hi @Kwiksatik

Nice story ! It is great to learn some more about you.

I awill be renting a van this summer for a road trip. As it will be the first time, I am sure it will be a great discovery. I am looking forward to spend time in this small environment wih my wife and the kids.

I will probably write a post about it in the next few weeks!

Have a nice weekend



@Julien44 that sounds fabulous! I can’t wait to hear how you guys like it!!!


@TusharSuradkar - you have an amazing point. I can’t justify it being in Arizona, but by one merit - that is where the parking lot is!!!

I am so sorry your Vegas trip got cancelled! That would have been such an adventure. I hope you get the chance to go at a later date.

I am so excited to learn there is a similar geographic novelty in India! That is so neat! I am going to have so much fun doing a bit of extra reading about it tonight!


Funny you mention that @Kwiksatik here in Australia, the most number of states meeting occurs at Cameron Corner

I wouldn’t look at any videos from there because for no readily apparent reason Aussies seem to love videoing themselves urinating on the marker.



Thanks, @Kwiksatik

I knew you would come up with a valid point to justify the location.

LoL :smile: about the parking being in Arizona.


@PaulPavlinovich The Cameron corner is an interesting point and also I found the Poeppel point and MacCabe Corner but surprisingly the point where Northern Territory and S. & W. Australia meet is not labeled. Do you have any idea, why?


It is named @TusharSuradkar it is called Surveyor Generals Corner.


@Kwiksatik I just love how your family was able to spend such quality time together. It’s very near and dear to my heart and so precious… as my parents got two weeks a year that we traveled together in our trailer. Such fond memories for you to always carry :slightly_smiling_face:

Four corners? Such a COOL place! It’s funny we both mentioned it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks. I can see it now using your link or if done with a text search. @PaulPavlinovich


Maps shows different content at different levels of zoom @TusharSuradkar you need to zoom in to see the most, even then in a crowded area you won’t see everything on the Map.


With using Google Maps, when a place is not found even after zooming at different levels, @PaulPavlinovich you need to use text search.


There are a great many ways to find things on Maps @TusharSuradkar text search is certainly one of them. You can probably safely assume I know how to use Maps :).


Thanks, @PaulPavlinovich Same here :slightly_smiling_face: I have a good understanding of Google Maps. This is just FYI…


@PaulPavlinovich thank you for the warning…


That’s very nice to know @TusharSuradkar perhaps you should join one of the Maps trivia quiz meet-ups.

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That is very interesting @PaulPavlinovich

I am searching for “Maps trivia quiz” in the LG Connect community :blush: