My name is Ahmed Kasem, I am from Egypt, and living between Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I am Trauma Neurosurgeon in Saudi Arabia.
I am at level 7.
It is pretty good and amazing chance to participate in this amazing community.
Improving quality of life is always my interest.
With better description we can shorten the distance, take decision and make our choices faster , we save our valuable time, our time is our life.
My participation in google map started after I invited my family to the dinner in a restaurant about 1.5 hour drive from my home and when we arrived it was permanently closed, really it was a bad moment and we had to search for another place to eat.
Since that moment I started to share my findings and my reviews for the places I visit. And I am trying to put it in a neutral opinion not to be extremely positive or extremely negative, so it can help people to decide what they want and how to choose in a confident way
First time when I moved from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, I was depending on google map as a guide for my ways and to find out the area I am living in, then I started to participate. Since that time I am searching for everything I need on Google map, even recently when I moved to Turkey with the barrier of language I could find my way for everything and now I could use it in a professional way that make my life easy
I have this conversation before with my family and friends about why you are wasting your time in this thing, even when I show them my contributions and numbers of views and like, I tell them it is something I like it to help others.
I would like to attend the meeting to see people around the world, to share our knowledge and practice and to enhance my knowledge and attitude to help the community in a professional way.
I was very busy during the last few months preparing for my exam, and few days ago the result appeared as passing with high score, this make me more excited about attending the meeting and to participate more to the community to improve quality of life.