Improve maps in Electronic city, Bangalore, India

Google maps of Electronic City in Bangalore, India seems to fairly under representative of the current layouts. Some major buildings are not on the maps, major store locations are off. I wanted to meet a few local guides to brainstorm nhow can we make the map quality better faster than it would happen on its own. Any local guides who want to be a part of this discussion are welcome. We can communicate and decide on a venue to meet

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It’s true. I adore Bangalore, for me this city is associated with Shri Sathya Sai Baba, Jyotish and Nadi Astrology… But when I’m there, I have difficults with finding something on the map))

@Jordy wrote:

Google maps of Electronic City in Bangalore, India seems to fairly under representative of the current layouts. Some major buildings are not on the maps, major store locations are off. I wanted to meet a few local guides to brainstorm nhow can we make the map quality better faster than it would happen on its own. Any local guides who want to be a part of this discussion are welcome. We can communicate and decide on a venue to meet


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Let’s hope that it will improve and in the near future, we will have much more accurate maps

I intend to make the maps better one area at a time. Overtime I hope all areas would have a “champion” who would improve the quality of that area

@Jordy wrote:

Let’s hope that it will improve and in the near future, we will have much more accurate maps