Impossible to connect with "local" guides on LGC

Wow, what a surprise, Local Guides Connect, living up to its name by making it nearly impossible to connect with other Local Guides in my area. I mean, it’s not like the platform has a feature that allows me to search for Local Guides in my area or anything, right? Oh, messages? Who knew they had a limit on those, two messages and I’m already out of luck.

Leaving the #sarcasm aside, I really need some help building a community here in Bhopal and I am not sure if this platform even has the necessary tools to build a community.

Would anyone experienced be kind enough to help me with the right approach here?



Google does not allow us to search for Local Guides in Google Maps and on Connect to protect our privacy.

But in your settings, you can choose up to 3 Favorite locations. This will help you spot posts from local guides in those cities of interest should they choose to mark their posts with a city name.
It is not a perfect solution.

You can also do a normal search for country and city names here on Connect.

And finally, you can filter pages on Connect to see posts in a specific language. Find out how here.


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Also, see the splendid post by my friend Tushar_Suradkar:



Thank you so much for responding. I have used these techniques and found few people who are from Bhopal and have made posts earlier on LGC. Although LGC has a limit on number of messages I can send in a time period. So I was able to only send two messages before I had to stop.

I was hoping to set up a meet next month. But with this pace, I’m not so sure anymore.

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It would be very helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply. Just hitting Reply does not ensure we get notified by email.

It is quite normal to find it difficult to recruit participants for a meet up. That is also why most meet up are based on repeat participants.

Starting small with one or two participants is not a bad thing. Remember to get feedback so you can improve over time and get permission to invite again via email. Or you can try using an existing Local Guides Facebook group or create a new one.




Hello Gaurav,

This side Mayank Bansal from Indore City.

We here have around 40 members of community which are from all over Madhya Pradesh state.

To join our Indore WhatsApp group click

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Hey Gaurav, Hope so you are doing good.

You moved to Bhopal from Noida ?

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@MortenCopenhagen Thank you for the tip. I’ll habituate myself to tag anyone I respond to.

And yes, it is difficult to find people for meet up. But also yes, I’ll start small with whomever I am able to meet. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @Mayank_Indori , thank you so much for responding. :smiley: I’ll connect with you over there.

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Hey @amandhayal , how have you been? Nice to reconnect with you here. Yes I left Noida in 2019, was in Indore for a while. Now I’m back to hometown; and it sure looks different now. Thousands of new businesses have emerged. These market sometimes reminds me of Noida… :smile:


@GauravNema Connect helps you connect globally to the Local Guides family, it does not help you find individual people. This is deliberate. Corporations are required to protect the privacy of people. If they made it that easy to find someone they would be in a world of hurt legally. If people choose to make themselves known here and choose to divulge their location that is up to them.


Great ! Happy to know that you are out of Gas Chamber ( :grinning: ) and looking forward for more accurate details of businesses in Bhopal now !!

@PaulPavlinovich Thanks for responding.

Yes I can understand what you’re saying. Not all privacy policies are same.

I understand LGC bit better now, thanks to all the great responses.

I still hope to build a local community one way or the other.


Haan, Bhopal is so much more comfortable by comparison. I would love to have you here sometime. :hugs:

And yes, trying my best here.


Many if not most local groups of Local Guides use other means of communication because Connect is not the best platform for direct communications - as you realized.

They use WhatsApp or Telegram groups or create a group on Facebook. You may want to look into such options once you get a local community going.

Best of luck


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