Image Upload Issue on Mobile

Hello there,

I have a concern regarding photos upload, while I am using the Local Guides Connect website on my mobile. It shows unable to upload due to the size. But it does work if the same pic is downloaded and uploaded from my Laptop.

I would like to know, how this upload issue while accessing the browser on mobile (Android) can be solved.

Because, it does become a hurdle when I am all set to write a post, but the photo upload fails, and I am in a position to do it all again, using the Laptop.

Do let me know if any of you face the same issue, and tips and recommendations to solve the same :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @CreativeCreature

I have never experienced this problem. But I know that the photos directly from my camera are generally too big for Connect, so I don’t even try. Instead, I use Google Photos to back up all my photos. I use the space-saving mode, so they are compressed in file size. So if I need to share a photo on Connect I just select “Download” on my computer and the file size issue is fixed automatically.

I doubt you can do this on your phone since Google Photo might get confused dealing with two copies of the same image on one device.

But there are several free apps and websites that can help you resize photos.

Since you are interacting with the same website (connect) from both your computer and your phone is it likely something related to your phone that prevents you from uploading pics from your phone and not from your computer. Are you using some kind of data-saver mode, maybe?



@MortenCopenhagen , I do the backup to Google Photos option too. And end up following the same process on laptop upload. So, the issue is just natural I guess.

Also, while uploading it over the laptop, I guess it gets auto-size adjusted, which does not seem to be supported by the Chrome on Mobile.

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To be honest I don’t completely understand how automatic sync between our phones and Google Photos work. It might be that the copy on your phone is the same as the one on Google Photos, so you could try uploading a photo after it has been backed up to Google Photos. It might work. Give it a try.



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Sure, will try! Thanks for your support!

Hello @CreativeCreature I also face same problem earlier. So what I can do

I just crop my image or some time make minor edit with any editing app to reduce file size, than It can be easily upload by mobile

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Okay, Thanks for the tip!