I'm reach level 7 , I'm very happy


I’m very happy and excited to share with you all that I reached to local guide level 7

by helping others explore on Google Maps.

And I hope this journey will continue as I explore new places.


@lawenkurdish Great. Keep it up.


Congratulations @lawenkurdish :tada: :tada: :tada: :clap: and keep it up to next level…

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@lawenkurdish Congratulations! :tada: Your hard work has paid off.

Congratulations @lawenkurdish ! Thank you for your work on the Maps. You have a great opportunity to benefit your community as an Iraqi Local Guide. I hope you consider making your profile public so we can see what great places you’re exploring and photographing. Keep going, man, Level 8 is calling!

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Congratulations, keep it up. @lawenkurdish

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Very nice, so happy for you @lawenkurdish

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Well done @lawenkurdish

However kindly remove all the Google maps imagery from your post. As clearly explained in the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions : “The Local Guides logo is a Google brand identity and is reserved for official use only. Do not use the Local Guides logo, pin, or any other Google imagery in any of your online or offline materials without expressed written permission.


I am in the group with @Anannya_19 , @Md_Zobayerul_Islam , @JustJake , @PrasadVR , @Raj_Tayade , and @jakiripsc to congratulate you @lawenkurdish .

Congratulation for your stepping stone from level six to level seven.
I know it is not an easy way because there so many constraint that you faced to get into this position.
You deserve this new badge.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Keep up the good work!

Many congratulations @lawenkurdish on your achievement. This is a stepping stone to reach to further higher level of Local Guides program.

Request you to kindly act upon what CM ErmesT has suggested here.

Keep building informed community stronger :muscle: together.


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**Thank you very much, for your words :heart: @jakiripsc **

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Thank you very much, for your words :blue_heart:

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Thank you for your valuable words

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Thank you very much for your words. I will continue to be active as a local leader in Iraq. I hope the relevant authorities will contact me to help me


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@Md_Zobayerul_Islam thank you very much

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Thank you very much for your words. I will continue to be active as a local leader in Iraq. I hope the relevant authorities will contact me to help me



@ErmesT Sorry I wasn’t aware of the rules, I don’t apply them

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@Anannya_19 THANK YOU VERY march

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Thank you for informing your friends of this post, thank you for your words, I hope the relevant parties will help me to continue, I would like to have contact for more work @BudiFXW