I'm passionate about vegetarian food!

  1. A cause that I care about sharing on Google Maps is vegetarianism!

Living in a progressive city such as Philadelphia, it’s easy to find vegetarian and vegan food options! However there are still several occasions where I wind up somewhere who’s only vegetarian options are either a salad or mozzarella sticks, or something along those lines.

Americans have often felt the need to implement meat in every meal otherwise it’s not “real,” or “satisfying,” or fulfilling, and a lot of places cater to that need. However, more and more people are wanting to contribute to a healthy environment and also want a healthy diet for themselves. Gradually more people are eating vegan and vegetarian.

On Google Maps and as a Local Guide, I can guide other vegetarians towards the best places to eat! I love doing this here in Philly and even when I’m travelling. I love contributing and helping my community by reviewing places that are and aren’t vegetarian & vegan friendly. I love trying new places but there are times when a place I try is just not a good experience because of their lack of vegetarian options. I want to help someone else avoid or prepare for this same experience.

I’m not one of those people who can’t be around meat or people who eat it! I will not judge you or ridicule you for your choice of diet. :slight_smile: But I am very passionate about my choice and I want to contribute as best I can to my vegetarian community!

Another goal in my reviews is that the businesses will notice who is visiting their establishments and they will want to evolve with their customers. I love that Google Maps provides a way for local guides to connect with business owners and other Google Maps users and I love doing this concerning vegan and vegetarian friendliness.


@LeanneM High-five from another vegetarian Local Guide! :slight_smile: I have started to incorporate the hashtag #vegetarianfood #veganfood in my reviews since hashtags have been enabled.

If I am ever in Philly, I know that you are my go-to person for food! :slight_smile:


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Hello @LeanneM ,

Tanks for sharing!

Vegetarianism is truly a lifestyle that’s been skyrocketing the last few years, and I think it’s great that you want to help inform other Local Guides about what they can expect when eating out.

Just to let you know, I have relabelled your post to Food & Drinks as it fits better here.


I need to hashtag more!

@MortenSI Hello and Thank you! I categorized it in local stories so that I could use this post to apply for connect live!! Can you move it back?


  • “A new post on Connect that describes a cause you care about sharing on Google Maps and why. Whether you’re passionate about finding the world’s best French fries or making the map more eco-friendly, we want to know about it! Post your response using the Local Stories topic.”
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Hi LeanneM

I am vegetatian and like the post because when we support for vegetarian food, we need not kill animals in order to have non vegetarian food. In India we have so many varities in Vegetarian food. I tried so many of them.

Recently i have posted a post regarding Sleep calf please check it out.

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Hi @LeanneM ,

I apologise for the inconvenience caused.

I was not aware that your post was part of your Connect Live application, and I see that you’ve managed to label it back to Local Stories.

Good luck with the application!