Hi Google Community,
Is there a way to mark that a road on Maps does not exist in real life? There are many roads shown on Maps in my area which are not passable or were never roads to begin with. This can be very dangerous when people are driving in an unfamiliar place under poor driving conditions such as the dark or iced over roads.
Please add a way to identify roads in Maps which do not physically exist.
Thank you.
Hi @LindseyFunair ,
Thanks for sharing your concerns with us! : ]
In relation to your inquiry, in case there would be incorrectness of road information, feel free to check out the instructions to report such errors on Google Maps.
Follow up to the suggestion of reporting parts of road that are not passable, feel free to check the post, Reporting Road Segments on Google Maps.
For the moment, the post has been relocated to How-tos section, as in case there are further points that can help improving the Connect program, do not hesitate to share further with us.
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