- Magical Polar Light Iceland
- 40 km away from Reykjavik
- It was unbelievable to see this light , amazing
- It‘s not easy to describe, you have to see it with your own eyes .
Wow, great photo @MonaShoja !
The Northern Lights are on my wish list, I hope I get the chance to see it live sooner or later!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
@davidhyno Ja David , you have to see and feel it. It is sooo beautiful
Wooh aurora I like it very much to see this colors in sky @MonaShoja thanks for sharing this post with us
Dear @Mukul_Anand You welcome
It looks like you have been everywhere on earth @MonaShoja great for you!
@MonaShoja That is so amazing that you got to see the northern lights! I would love to see it one day too.
Dear @Sophia_Cambodia I wished but not yet , it‘s too expensive
Dear @MariaNgo , yes it‘s realy amazing. In Canada, Norway, Greenland and Iceland you have good chance to see the Aurora.
Dear @MonaShoja
Thank you so much for sharing this magical photo with us.
What time of the year is best to see such a magical view?
What device did you use to capture this beauty?
Dear @KamalHossenR ,
thank you for your comment. The best time is from October to March. We took this foto with rhe normal camera but its much better to have a special camera .
best regards