Ice Cream in Tampines Singapore?

Fancy ice cream or gelato shops are definitely so popular all over Singapore. I have found at least 4 in the east side - Tampines. Anybody want to join in some delicious waffle ice cream meetups? Let’s set a date and time!

#singaporelocalguides #morefood


Hi @JulienH ,

That sounds like a great idea, I wish I could participate as well. What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor? You can organize an official meet-up.

By the way, I’ve relabeled your post to Meet-ups, as it fits better there.


What is it with moderators constantly moving posts around? I had wanted to post it in food discussion. Could you people please stop interfering in posts unless absolutely necessary.

Hi @JulienH ,

You can take a look at the Welcome to the Food & Drink board topic, to better understand why your post has been moved.

Google Moderators always try to keep the community as much organized as possible, so other Local Guides can find posts easier.