Guys! I am very excited. I’ll appreciate your suggestions about places to eat!! And of course, any other suggestions!
Prince Street Pizza, Best Bagel & Coffee, Artichoke Basille’s Pizza, Ample Hills Creamery, Pies N’ Thighs, Friedman’s, Halal Guys, Jacob’s Pickles, Tompkins Square Bagels, Mess Hall (if you like bourbon), Xi’an Famous Foods, Joe’s Shanghai, Van Leeuwen, Levain Bakery, Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream, Original Chinatown Ice Cream Factory, Veselka, Her Name Is Han, … Flushing has good Korean food, super random but just throwing it out there!
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Hey @Jennifersueorozco :
Have you checked out this photo of the week? It is from the inside of one of the libraries in NYC. It is quite the sight!
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