I share my contributions because I’m caring my community.

Namaste Local Guides!

Yes, Local Guide program has made & is making great impact on my life.

I have enjoyed many positive impacts on my life, being a Local Guide. In 2016, I joined the program and as I got deeper into the program, my knowledge increased as well. Through my involvement in the Local Guides program,I’ve made numerous friends around the world and had an opportunity to learn about their culture. This made me one of the lucky persons who got selected for Connect Live 2018. But, unfortunately I was not able to participate in that grand event.

I’m proud to say that, after joining the Local Guides program, I first started updating the map in my area. In the meantime, I noticed that the names of many villages translated in Gujarati language which was wrong and making it difficult for people to search particular villages in Gujarat. I corrected over 100 village’s names in my state. I believe that it was an important contribution for me to my Google Map community.

In particular, I am helping small business owners by adding their locations to the map. I also help their clients to add photos and write their reviews. So far I have added more than 950 places on Google maps. My added locations on Google maps have gained more than 10.5 million views. which, I am proud about - is made another huge impact on me.

Gandhinagar city is also known as the Education hub of Gujarat state. There are many students coming from outside to study here. I’ve made a big impact by adding the city’s main education centers on map - it has been viewed more than 200,000 times! I am proud that this added place will help millions of students, even in future. I am very happy that my contributions “Were-Are-& Will be” very helpful to millions.

My fellow local guides inspired me to arrange meetups and sharing my knowledge about local guides program with my community. Such regular Meet-Ups gave me an opportunity to learn about various tasks performed by other local guides, which is useful for me to guide many more LG’s. So far I have hosted total of 18 meetups.

Further, my active involvement in Local Social Media has given me immense opportunity to network with different LG’s in and around India; I enjoy virtual presence through Video Calls, in many Meet Ups, which gives me immense satisfaction.

During my journey through the local guide program, I have met some amazing people and we become good friends. I have learned a lot from them. I am so grateful to Google &the Local Guides program for providing this wonderful LG Connect platform which connects us all globally.

Hoping to keep contributing more to our community, whenever I get an opportunity.

Thanks for your great company, during my Local Guide journey.

Your Local Guide,

Naresh Darji


Hi @NareshDarji thanks for sharing this post with us. Your contribution is commendable for the community great work .




Thank you dear @JMD9


Hey @NareshDarji vai , Great words. Keep go on. My Post


@NareshDarji Thanks for being my brother and friend. Thanks for doing all the good things you do always in the community. Be safe and soon once all this current turmoil is over, we can get together.


@NareshDarji Nice job. :slightly_smiling_face: I wish you good luck on the application.


Hi @NareshDarji

Wow that’s a nice write-up about your journey as a Local Guide.

I am happy that I too am a part of the Local Guides Community



What a great journey @NareshDarji .

Excellent writ up,and content.

Your achievements as a LG speaks a lot.

Definitely your contribution towards community and Maps are very solicited.

My best wishes for your next journey for Connect Live @NareshDarji .


@NareshDarji You have really made a great impact on many people’s life, adding correct name in regional language is important as many users can use it

Great post wishing you all the best for Live 2020 :bouquet:


Hi @NareshDarji

I hope you are fine and safe!

It was nice to read your post, you are such an inspiring local guides and you make big impacts with your contributions!

Keep it up and best of luck for you application. Hopefully, we will get the chance to meet one day!



@NareshDarji Thanks to posting such a good post You are really caring our community

Best of luck …

1 Like

Thanks dear @SDatta


Thank you so much dear @StephenAbraham bhai.


Thank you and same to you @Ant_Bad_Yogi


Thank you @Gurukrishnapriya .


Thanks a lot @Selvamani_R and @FalguniP


I’m fine and safe here dear @Julien44

I hope you are doing well and safe there.

Take care and stay safe.


Hi nareshbhai . Where are you from? I am from Ahmedabad, Ghodasar. Do you have any local guide group from Ahmedabad for meet up and share topic on local connect? I want to join you.

1 Like

Hii. @NareshDarji where are you from. ? .

I am from ghodasar ahmedabad. I think you are also from Ahmedabad. Do u have any group of local guide to meet up. Or sharing experience. I want to join . I want to learn. Too


Hi @Er_Manthan I’m from Gandhinagar.

Please check your personal msg for our group invitation.