I’m proud to say that I reached level 9 today, May 15, 2022.

I can’t remember when I began but it must have taken me at least 5 years to get this far.

Level 9 means that I reached 50,000 points.


تهانينا للوصول إلى المستوى 9 ، بالتأكيد تقوم بوظائف رائعة

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Hello @Memenisimo

A big congratulations to you on the achievement of this great milestone. It’s no small task to achieve 50,000 points. would you like to share your experiences sometime to help other Local Guides?

I achieved this some months back as well and was very excited. I think I started four years ago but wasn’t conscious or active. As soon as I became active it took me about 2 years to attain level 9 !

Well welcome to level 9 and welcome to connect as well. It’s your first post it seems. Therefore to help you enjoy connect would you mind looking up Your guide to Connect.

If you further inquiries refer to our Help Desk. Some other articles of interest to read includes How do I write a post on Connect and How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect.

In closing , monthly Introduce Yourself post is a place to formally introduce yourself. You’ll also meet others who have introduced themselves as well.

Enjoy your time on the forum.

Happy Mapping and happy guiding


Hi @Memenisimo

Congratulations. Going from 15,000 points (level :sunglasses: to 50,000 points (level 9) is not easy.

Congratulation for reaching at level 9 @Memenisimo

Keep contributing